How to Write a Business Report to Sound Analytical and Trustworthy

For many people, writing a quality, analytical, trustworthy business report takes a lot of work. Many need to learn the rules and requirements for writing these papers. Such a document is essential for conveying valuable information and making informed decisions, with which you can show your knowledge and professionalism. This article will share several business report writing tips to help you succeed and create a trustworthy document.

Tips for Writing a Business Report

Many students who received a difficult written assignment prefer to order an essay and eliminate worries. With the help of professional services, students can free up a lot of time and study another discipline, go for a walk with friends, or sleep. Writing a business report is a responsible mission that takes time and effort. However, by familiarizing yourself with writing tips and tricks, you will likely be able to create a high-quality document that is analytical and credible to readers.

Define the purpose and scope of the document

To begin, you need to determine the scope of your report and set specific goals. Think about what issue you want to discuss or what problem you want to solve. This will help you stay focused on one topic and clearly understand your differences.

Collect and analyze data

Try to collect information only from reliable sources that provide truthful and relevant materials. Make sure the information you select is accurate and reliable. Once all the data has been collected, conduct a thorough analysis and provide readers with information about significant findings.

Use a good structure

Remember that a business report should be clear and well-structured. This will help make the document more readable and trustworthy to readers. The standard structure of a business report includes an introductory part, a summary, a methodology, conclusions, an analysis of information, a concluding part, and, at the end, recommendations and applications. Try to stick to this structure, and you will likely be able to create an authoritative report.

Write a compelling resume

You should start your business report with a short executive summary that provides a high-level overview of your account’s key findings, ideas, and recommendations. This section is often the first that the audience sees, so it needs to be well thought out and made convincing and understandable.

Tell us about the context

Your introduction should offer as much information about the topic and context as possible to help your audience understand the problem or issue at hand. Try to define any key terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to you. Remember that your business report should be understandable not only for you but also for the readers.

State your goals clearly

The objectives of your report should be stated in the introduction or methodology section. Try to answer the questions of what you want to achieve by analyzing information and what questions you plan to answer. Make sure you gather enough information to make this clear and compelling.

Use facts and evidence

To create an analytical and credible business report, you must back up all your thoughts with statistics and evidence. Try to avoid making unsubstantiated statements that will jeopardize your reputation. Make sure that every opinion you say is supported by factual support, charts, graphs, or tables. This will help visualize the data and help readers understand what you’re discussing.

Analyze and interpret

When writing the analysis section, try to interpret the data and explain its meaning. A good option is to discuss trends, patterns, and any deviations. You can also compare data sets and draw meaningful conclusions, demonstrating your opinions and making sense to your readers.

Be objective

A successful business report should be clear, understandable, and objective. Try to maintain an accurate and unbiased tone throughout the piece. Please note that all thoughts must be substantiated and supported by statisticians. Try to avoid personal biases, emotional statements, and unsubstantiated statements; you will see how the data and analysis will speak for themselves.

Cite sources

If you use data or information from external sources in your business report, provide correct citations and references. This will increase the credibility of your account and show that you took a responsible approach to creating the document. Remember that it is essential to choose the correct citation format. Otherwise, you may compromise the analyticity of your papers.

Use simple language

Try to write concisely and clearly, and avoid confusing sentences or jargon. To create a quality business report, you must explain all technical terms that may need clarification to your audience and communicate the concepts you use.

Draw informed conclusions

The final section should summarize the main findings of your analysis. Be sure to make sure that all your conclusions are supported by the evidence that was presented in the report. Try to avoid using new terms or raising extraneous topics and questions in the final part; it is essential to provide high-quality conclusions summarizing your report’s results.

Give actionable recommendations

In your recommendations section, offer readers practical and actionable steps based on your analysis. These recommendations should address the identified problems or opportunities you have discussed and provide the audience with enough advice to conduct their analysis and achieve positive results.

Edit the text

Before finishing writing a business report, you must carefully proofread and edit the text. This will help ensure clarity, coherence, grammar and spelling. Remember that many errors in your account can significantly affect readers’ confidence in your analysis.

Since writing a business report can often be a daunting task that not everyone can handle, we have provided some actionable steps that you can follow to create a business report that not only sounds analytical and credible but will also provide valuable information and guidance to your audience, be it your bosses, colleagues or clients. Take a responsible approach to completing this task and carefully consider the topic you plan to discuss.

Audience, listening and training with a team in a meeting, seminar or workshop for learning and development

The Top 5 Areas To Invest In Upskilling Your Team


Training is an essential tool for businesses that offers many benefits to employers – such as better performance, improved adherence to policies and procedures, fewer mistakes, lower costs, and greater employee engagement and retention.

Effective training also ensures that employees are better equipped with the knowledge to carry out their roles – thereby reducing pressures on management and promoting service quality.

In the UK, training is legally required under several areas of compliance legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Health And Safety At Work Act (1974). Under this legislation, employers are legally obliged to provide employees with all the information necessary to keep themselves, their colleagues, and their private data safe.

For many small businesses, training can initially seem like an expense. But it is an important step towards ensuring your business is compliant and promoting efficient work practices.


The Advantages Of Staff Training

Training offers a wide variety of benefits to employers and staff, including:

  • Improved productivity and performance
  • Reduced waste, complaints, and operational issues
  • Improved staff motivation, engagement, and leadership skills
  • Reduced staff turnover and time spent off work unwell
  • Greater business growth and adaptation
  • More staff motivation to improve their skills and progress their careers

These benefits can help your business to reduce expenditure and bring in greater sources of revenue, while improving service quality and overall employee performance.


Our Top Five Training Programmes 


1. Cybersecurity

With online sales accounting for 30% of all online sales, an increase in remote working, and the majority of businesses choosing to use electronic resources such as email for communications, it’s more important than ever to be up to speed on cybersecurity.

Businesses can also lose a significant amount of revenue if they are subject to a cyberattack, or if they are unable to access their website. In addition, under GDPR, all businesses who collect personal data are responsible for protecting against data breaches and may be liable to fines if legislation is not correctly adhered to.

Cybersecurity training teaches your employees how to identify and avoid a cybersecurity attack, reducing the risk of phishing emails, data leaks, viruses, and hacks. This can save your business time, money, and stress, and promotes adherence to cybersecurity policy.


2. Communication

Poor communication can affect all areas of work, not just overall productivity.

A survey by Salesforce found that 86% of employees and executives identified communication issues as a major cause of failure in business, while 97% of employees reported that communication breakdown affects their efficiency on a daily basis. And these issues affect employees’ ability to adhere to deadlines, with 28% of employees reporting that these factors made them unable to deliver work on time.

Communication training can help to fix these issues by training your employees to share information accurately and clearly, to resolve conflicts within the team or with customers, and to be confident when communicating their perspective – thereby helping to eliminate potential strategy pitfalls before they occur. This helps to save your business time and money, and assists with alleviating pressure in the workplace.


3. Diversity And Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious bias training identifies any underlying prejudices that your staff may have, and helps them to address these issues in order to prevent potential conflict or discriminatory treatment.

According to CIPHR, more than a third of UK employees feel that they have been discriminated against in the workplace, or when applying for a job. The most commonly reported source of discrimination in the workplace was age (11%), followed by gender (5.3%) and race (4.1%).

Diversity and Unconscious Bias Training is a crucial tool for limiting the impacts of social prejudice in the workplace, and for keeping your employees and customers safe from abuse and violence.

With an increasingly diverse workforce – and a legal duty to protect employees from physical or emotional harm – it is necessary for employers to be aware of their responsibility to employees from other racial and cultural groups and backgrounds.


4. Conflict Resolution Training

Conflict comes up in all ways of life, and work is no different.

Effective conflict resolution is key to ensuring effective communication and productivity by improving team relationships, and helps to reduce the risk of behaviour escalation and workplace violence by training your employees in de-escalation techniques.

Conflict resolution also helps to improve relationships with clients by training your team in the most effective ways to respond to members of the public who become unhappy, agitated, or aggressive when making a complaint.


5. Time Management Training

If your business is searching for a way to improve employee productivity, time management training may offer an effective solution. With assigned roles becoming broader, and an increased need to keep up with online resources, it can be difficult for employees to prioritise tasks.

Time management training teaches your employees critical organisational skills to ensure that work is carried out efficiently and to a high standard. This also can help your employees to reduce their stress levels, thereby reducing their time spent off work unwell (which in 2019 averaged 4.4 days per absence), and improving your staff retention rates.

Interested in conversation aged businesswoman talk with colleague discuss new project startup plan

Resurrecting Eldership: How to Grow Older with Grace and Leave a Legacy that Counts

The notion of eldership – the idea that older people have a vital role to play as leaders and teachers – has been all but lost from the Western world; instead, youth and speed are prized, leaving older members of society feeling obsolete and irrelevant.

But there is a way that we can bridge the generation gap and help invest our knowledge and wisdom in younger people, writes Trevor Waldock, author of To Plant A Walnut Tree and Becoming Mandela.

I am sometimes asked why I am making the recovery of eldership into our culture such a mission these days.

It’s a fair question. One of the key qualities of an elder is that they see you, see your individual uniqueness and potential contribution to the world. I largely didn’t feel seen as a child, particularly by my father, and so the challenge to see myself has left me convinced of its importance as a quality that I experienced solely through the elders in my life.

The world has become rightly obsessed with a call for more leaders and leadership, but at the same time has failed to put this in its rightful context of what lies beyond leadership: eldership, as the necessary cradle in which leaders are formed. Leadership will never be what leadership needs to be – to serve the world – while we ignore eldership.

And on a personal level, I am trying to make sense, with few guiding maps, of this thing called aging and whether I can aspire and struggle towards becoming an elder myself.

Suddenly you reach a stage of life where you realise you’re getting older. Maybe it started in my early fifties when my doctor said to me, ‘Well, if you were my father…’. Doctors up until that moment had been my father’s age in my eyes, and now the scene was reversed.

Maybe it started when I noticed people’s ages. Walking through cemeteries and seeing how old people were when they died. Alan Rickman died at 70 – that’s just over four years away. My mum died at 68 – that’s just over two years away.

Two brushes with cancer, regular blood tests to check the coast is still clear, blood pressure that starts to jump up and down. Two sons who are thundering up close to 40, grandchildren full of turbo-charged energy wanting Grandad’s hands-on engagement.

Many would say to me ‘This is life’.

And that is the point.

We grow older.

Of course, we are growing older every day of our lives, but one day we wake up to that fact.

In T S Eliot’s wonderful, poignant poem, Alfred J Prufrock wrestled with exactly this issue: “I grow old … I grow old …”

Like me, he was wrestling with the meaning of his life, great questions that still wanted answers for. A creeping loss of confidence, a desire to break out, a fear of irrelevance, surrounded by people who were happy to retire and play golf.

I too still have burning questions about life and contribution and injustice. I still feel full of a life-force that begs to write another chapter.


Inclusive, progressive leadership

Nelson Mandela, facing all these questions and more, would have drawn upon the wisdom of those elders that he had spoken of that cradled his formation from birth to death, shaping both his character and his own transition from leadership to eldership.

Elders helped him in his becoming and in 2007, on his 89th birthday in 2007, Mandela founded The Elders, a group of independent global leaders working together for peace, justice and human rights; to qualify, each had have earned international trust, demonstrated integrity, and built a reputation for inclusive, progressive leadership.

In Western culture in particular but also increasingly in other cultures, the absence of elders means the road map of aging is to get an education; accumulate things and status; retire, and then check out. Aging has lost its way, its meaning, its purpose and its legacy.

In the ancient Hindu tradition of Vanaprastha, elders would have gathered around me years ago at the age of 50 to guide me through a vital life transition. The word is formed of two parts, meaning ‘retiring’ and ‘into the forest’. Retiring, not in the sense of stopping work at 65 (a relatively recent invention born of economics), but in the sense that it’s time to pull back from the work of grihastha, the stage of life where we are focused on our careers, accumulating wealth, status and building a family.

Vanaprastha recognises that by age 50 it is time to start detaching your ego from all of these first-half-of-life attachments and go through a purposeful transition that crystallises all your experience to date and turns it into wisdom, in order to invest it into the next generation.


Time to withdraw into the forest?

When I changed gear at the age of 62, from founding and leading an international organisation to focus on this issue of eldership and intergenerational mentorship, I didn’t encounter a gentle transition, but a shock as arresting as a Wim Hof ice bath.

‘Withdrawing into the forest’, the work of detaching from my ego-driven self that had created the organisation, the self who had hidden from its shadow side in order to try and shine brighter on the ‘light’ side, my post-traumatic self, long buried and now demanding attention… all came rushing in, begging for some long-overdue work to be done.

It was nothing short of scary, at times terrifying. I can see now the two reasons why Vanaprastha begins at 50: because you aren’t ready to seriously begin the ego work until then, and because the longer you leave it the harder it gets.

I can also see why wise elders were needed to guide you through a transition which is almost impossible to navigate on your own. 

I have retired friends who say defiantly ‘It’s my time now’, while others are working into their seventies, terrified of retiring because they believe their relevance and their current identity will be demolished.

And in part, they are right. It will be a dance between breaking down and building up which results in the discovery of a deeper, truer version of yourself, filling up with crystallised wisdom and ready to contribute to a generation desperately hungry for meaning, for wisdom, for support through life’s transitions… for eldership.

So, yes, “I grow old … I grow old …” but I also endeavour to own all of me – the gifted and the flawed, the pearl and the woundedness, the ability and the vulnerability, the faith and the doubts, the optimism and the fear – and to contribute something of use to future generations.

It’s messy and it’s meaningful. It’s sometimes frightening and increasingly liberating. It’s all of this. It’s eldership.

Trevor Waldock will be co-hosting an online event on ‘Planting the Seed of Eldership Early’ with Harvard alumnus, leadership advisor and human capital consultant Triston Francis on Tuesday, 29th August 2023, exploring the concept of seeing yourself as an elder from a young age.

Drawing inspiration from the life journey of Nelson Mandela, the pair will discuss how we can live a life that leaves a legacy that benefits others.

For more information, visit

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Team leader discussing and brainstorming new approaches and ideas with colleagues.

Leveraging AI to Catapult Your Leadership Skills

By Roger James Hamilton, Founder of the Genius Group

Leadership has always been about making complex decisions, managing teams successfully, and taking calculated risks. In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable business environment, leaders need to be more agile, adaptable, and tech-savvy, the question is how does AI fit in?

The rapid advances in AI offer both huge advantages to leaders – and potential problems. It offers the ability to achieve more in less time, at a lower cost and with high efficiency. However, to ignore the fact that it requires governance is short-sighted.

Everyone is talking about ChatGPT, but there is more to AI than the ability to generate information around specific subjects. As a leader AI can give you advantages at both the macro and micro levels.


AI for enhanced leadership skills

With access to Big Data, AI powered tools can analyse vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and provide accurate predictions, giving your decision making an edge. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can analyse massive quantities of public opinion data to help leaders assess the risks and benefits of a particular action.

One of the key skills of a leader is inspired communication and, while AI cannot replace a leader, it can streamline communication channels. Creating means for information to be easily available, basic questions answered and support provided, using devices such as AI-powered chatbots, leaves the leader free to collaborate and create – doing only what they can do.

No leader is problem-free. Not only are there market trends to keep up with and to stay on the crest of the wave, but also there are many internal challenges that need to be negotiated. AI can provide the data, insights, and ideas that will fuel innovative solutions, faster, in more depth, and based on solid information.


AI for improved performance

On a macro level – AI can improve the overall performance of the organisation and the people within it. One of the roles of a good leader is to know how to get the best from their people.

When a leader is looking at continuous improvement, considering AI is not an option, it’s essential. AI offers opportunities in so many parts of the organisation.

Market analysis:  Competitive analysis, community engagement, brand voice, new market generation, trend monitoring, and research can all be supported using AI.

Customer experience:  A leader knows that the lifeblood of any organisation is the customer. AI can deliver many aspects of the customer experience delivering dynamic information that will build customer loyalty, identify new products and services, maintain engagement, create dynamic pricing, and provide predictive support services.

Streamlined processes:  Installing the best AI systems in-house gives your teams the ability to not just do their job more efficiently but can also provide new ideas for them to develop and free them to focus on the activities that add value. In Society 5.0 the customer demands hi-tech and hi-touch, with AI picking up the slack your people are freed from the more routine tasks, and job satisfaction and customer service excellence soars.


External AI v Internal AI

Some issues have arisen where people or companies have not used AI mindfully.  An example of this is when Samsung software engineers asked ChatGPT for advice on improving their software. ChatGPT gave them lots of useful ideas, but the engineers hadn’t considered that they were uploading proprietary code to a third party. Needless to say, this didn’t go down well with management, but, fortunately, they saw the advantages of AI and are developing their own AI tools for internal use.

Even tech giant Microsoft has had security breaches as a result of using AI.

Clearly, internal AI has advantages, not just security, but the ability to create AI that ‘thinks like us’. However, not every company has access to the resources to create bespoke AI tools.

Educate your team in discerning judgment and in exercising due diligence in relation to the material that AI generates. Remember that it is not an expert – it should be seen as an assistant who collects and manages information and data, but it’s the user who should ensure that the results generated are accurate.

The salutary tale to bear in mind is the lawyer in the USA, who used ChatGPT to write a brief – and didn’t check the references and case precedents, which turned out to have been invented by AI. The result was a $5,000 fine.

If you don’t embrace the advantages that AI offers business, you are in danger of preventing your organisation from achieving success at a competitive level. The secret of success is to lead by example and be comfortable with AI, and then to take responsibility for ensuring your teams use it in a way that is safe, responsible, and ethical.

Roger James Hamilton

How Mobile Banking Apps are Transforming Personal Finance Management

Article written by Tatsiana Kuchminskaya, CFO at Andersen

The rise of mobile devices has led to a monumental shift in how people manage their personal finances. No longer tethered to brick-and-mortar banks or limited by business hours, consumers now have banking and money management capabilities 24/7. The popularity of online banking platforms keeps on growing steadily, with the Asian market being the largest. Statista predicts the number of active users will reach nearly 1 billion by 2024, evidencing the rapid adoption of digital finance tools across the globe. 

Mobile banking is a huge part of the entire online banking as more and more people prefer to carry out their daily operations via smart devices instead of PCs. Modern feature-rich phones and tablets help individuals and households budget, save, invest, and carry out key banking operations. The unparalleled convenience and flexibility they offer open vast opportunities for personal finance management

Let’s find out the key benefits of mobile banking apps, the most critical features that set leading platforms apart, and how these innovations are positively impacting spending and saving habits on an individual level.

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The benefits of mobile banking apps

First, let’s see why these apps are beneficial. Mobile banking solutions provide a multitude of advantages that enhance how consumers can manage, track, and optimize their finances. By offering robust financial capabilities in one digital product, these platforms offer an unparalleled level of convenience and efficiency.

  • Round-the-clock accessibility

One of the most apparent benefits is the ability to access your accounts anywhere, anytime. You don’t need to stick to bank hours or search for convenient branch locations anymore. Mobile banking allows you to view balances, transfer funds, pay bills, and more 24/7. This on-the-go accessibility allows consumers to address financial needs whenever they need or want, whether reimbursing a friend, checking their available balance before a large purchase, or ensuring bills are paid on time.

  • Enhanced personalization

Besides convenience, mobile banking apps provide easy-to-personalize tools to simplify money management. Many platforms offer customizable alerts and notifications so that users can stay on top of their finances effortlessly. These can include low-balance warnings, due date reminders, or alerts for transactions over a certain amount. Automated savings features are also common, like auto-transfers to savings accounts. You can set up everything yourself and enjoy seamless banking. 

  • Building sound spending habits

Mobile banking technology significantly enhances budgeting and spending tracking. Users can review up-to-the-minute information on their income, bills, and expenditures. Advanced analytics give insights into spending habits and trends. By managing finances via one intuitive platform, consumers can better understand where their money is going.

  • Seamless money transfers

Mobile banking also enables sending money easily. Rather than writing checks or going to the nearest ATM, you can send money directly to your friends and family with just a few taps. So, it doesn’t matter where you are located anymore. If you want to help someone in need or, vice versa, urgently need a certain sum yourself, mobile banking is very helpful. 

  • Enhanced security

Don’t be afraid to carry out transactions online. Modern banking apps have top-level security mechanisms. These include card locking and multifactor authentication. So, even if something goes wrong, you can quickly take measures and avoid money loss. 

In summary, mobile banking provides unmatched convenience, more profound insights into finances, robust money management tools, enhanced security, and overall empowerment. Consumers can address their needs in real time, track spending effortlessly, send funds digitally, and safeguard accounts. In the future, mobile banking apps can become the number one way people handle their finances. 

Key features of top mobile banking apps

Here are the most important features of such solutions:

  • Peer-to-peer transactions

Seamless money transfers between individuals are a hallmark of leading mobile banking platforms. Integrated peer-to-peer services like Zelle allow users to securely send and receive funds instantly. This convenience eliminates the need to visit ATMs or exchange cash when paying someone back.

  • Split payments 

Split payment capabilities simplify dividing bills or expenses between groups. Users enter the total amount and the app handles individual payment requests and calculations. This saves time, reduces awkwardness, and enables seamless peer-to-peer transfers.

  • Financial planning and management tools

Robust budgeting and expense-tracking tools are also essential. Users can review real-time breakdowns of income, bills, and spending through detailed analytics. Charts showcase trends and habits over customized periods. You can set goals for savings, budgets, or paying down debt. By centralizing finances, consumers gain full control and visibility.

  • Remote check deposit

This feature is now commonplace through smartphone cameras. Users simply capture images of checks through their banking app, eliminating the need to visit a branch. Deposits are processed quickly, often within one business day. This is a major time-saver.

  • Subscription management 

Direct subscription management through the banking app provides spending oversight. Users can easily track, edit, or cancel subscriptions that are charged to their accounts. This simplifies financial organization rather than relying on third-party subscription apps.

  • Open banking APIs 

These allow linking external accounts and services to share data at a user’s request. This provides a unified view of finances across institutions. Users benefit from seamless money movement, integrated experiences, enhanced analytics, and more.

  • ATM locators

This feature is very convenient when you search for the nearest in-network ATM to withdraw money or carry out any other operation. GPS integration allows distance and location filtering to pinpoint options. 

  • Financial insights and analytics

Personalized insights, powered by transaction data and analytics, enable better spending and saving decisions. Users receive tailored guidance based on their habits. For example, bill payment reminders prevent late fees. Intelligent algorithms provide guidance on budgets.

  • Secure authentication

Advanced security features like biometric login and instant debit/credit card toggling provide protection. Alerts notify customers of potential fraud, account changes, and other activities in real time. Customers can also quickly lock cards if a device is lost or stolen.

  • AI chatbots

These virtual assistants provide personalized help and convenience. They function 24/7, offering qualitative support for common queries and tasks, enhancing the user experience. Chatbots can check balances, guide users through transactions, provide account history, and more.

  • Clear in-app notifications 

Well-designed notifications keep users informed without feeling overwhelmed. They include alerts on low balances, upcoming bills, suspicious activities, and other events. So, even if you have forgotten to pay for certain services, your app will help you avoid delays. 

  • Green banking features 

Many banks are integrating eco-friendly capabilities that promote sustainability. Carbon footprint calculators estimate a user’s CO2 emissions based on spending data. Advanced tools provide personalized tips on how to change spending habits and reduce environmental impact.

In the future, even more features may emerge. Solutions may vary, but the common goal is clear. They all help consumers to optimize their financial lives.

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Top-notch apps

The variety of banking apps is striking as any aspiring financial institution strives to get one. Let’s see a couple of examples listed by Forbes Advisor. This trustworthy source employs a rigorous set of criteria that encompasses user-friendliness, security, features, and accessibility. 

  • Citi Mobile

Citi Mobile holds the top position for good reason. Its intuitive interface accommodates both tech-savvy and novice users alike, making navigation seamless. But its standout feature is advanced security. Employing multiple layers of protection, including biometrics, this solution safeguards your data. You can also set up real-time alerts for any suspicious account activity. Moreover, Citi Mobile is packed with useful features like checking your balance, tracking your FICO score, setting savings goals, locking your debit card, transferring funds, and managing bill pay. It even grants a quick peek at your Citibank accounts without logging in. And customer service is just a tap away if needed.

  • Bank of America

The Bank of America app offers standard features: you can manage accounts, activate cards, deposit checks, or pay bills. However, several capabilities make it stand out. An integrated spending tracker and budgeting tool help you gain control of your finances. A security meter assesses your fraud risk and provides tips to minimize it. A virtual assistant named Erica can assist with transactions, bills, and spending insights.

  • Chase Mobile

Financial wellness starts with awareness. Chase Mobile brings tools for money management and financial health into one platform. The “Credit Journey” feature provides free credit scores and reports to track progress. A built-in budget planner analyzes spending and spots savings opportunities. An investment tool enables portfolio viewing and trading on the go. You can also track and redeem credit card rewards in-app.


Mobile banking applications have become indispensable in our lives. Leading platforms provide unmatched convenience, increased security, and real-time insights into spending and saving. With technology partnerships from application development services companies, banks can continue optimizing mobile experiences, promoting user financial wellness, and delivering the future of banking into the palm of your hand.

group of people standing in front of trucks smiling

Best-In-Class Plumbing Solutions for the Floridian Market

As a standout leader in pipe lining and re-piping in the state of Florida, Rooter360 has been an influential force on setting best practices in the market. As CEO, William Gardner has been a crucial driver of this initiative, ensuring that Rooter360 remains a pacesetter despite constant development in the space. On the back of his recognition in 2023’s Most Influential CEO Awards as the Most Influential CEO – Miami (Plumbing Solutions), we spoke to William to find out more about his leadership ethos and plans for the future.

Industry leaders thrive through innovation. A drive to do things differently. To do things better. That’s the case regardless of industry, whether it be construction, or banking, or technology or any other multitude of sectors. No matter the size of the business, innovation and constant betterment should form the foundational elements of its operation. To do otherwise in this rapidly moving world could lead to stagnation, especially now that it’s easier than ever for potential clients to access any of your competitors.

However, there’s no worry of stagnation when it comes to Rooter360 and its work, with a reputation built through integrity, accountability, quality, teamwork, and innovation. William discusses how these values have forged the company’s success since its establishment. “We have created a quality process that allows customers to fix without trenching or replacing pipes, leaving the home better than we found it. Our values guide our processes. With integrity, we are honest about our performance. With innovation, we are always looking for new ways or technologies to apply. There’s accountability from each department. They all have their own process to do good work and if something goes wrong, they take accountability for it. When you combine all these three, there’s quality. These values have remained unchanged and are the bedrock for our growth through word-of-mouth referrals.”

A key question to address is how William views the role of CEO when it comes to inspiring and influencing those he manages and oversees. In this post-COVID world, it pays to remain flexible and dynamic – open to all opportunities, with the business agility and reactivity to capitalise on those opportunities. While that may seem to be less necessary in this particular industry, the overall market necessitates such an approach. As they say, you can never be too prepared when it comes to facing challenges.

Luckily, for William, challenges have been relatively easily overcome, with the most pressing of those being a need for skilled labour in a market that is experiencing a limited pool of talent across the board. This is compounded by the fact that Rooter360 simply doesn’t operate in the same way as its peers. “Our biggest challenge has always been finding skilled labour; this type of jobs is very specific and needs attention to detail – it takes time and experience. Now, we know that this takes time to provide the training needed before sending them to a job.” Naturally, one of the key pitfalls of being innovative is that most new employees will need to be trained in the techniques that have distinguished Rooter360 from its competitors. But the techniques utilised comprise just a small part of what has differentiated this company from a competitive landscape, as William goes on to discuss.

“We primarily serve single-family homeowners and multifamily projects. Our distinctiveness lies in our end-to-end process, from when we answer the call, our branding, sales process, and installation. Additionally, we offer the strongest warranty in our market.” This customer-centred process helps ensure that Rooter360 sees a significant referral rate through positive word of mouth, as touched on early in the interview.

William continues to talk about how he approaches management. “Running this type of company, I prioritise fairness and employee incentives. As the company wins, so do the employees, ensuring that employee success aligns with company achievements. Every team member plays a pivotal role for the entire process, from initial customer contact to job execution and logistics. I’m a conductor orchestrating an orchestra; I don’t play any specific instrument.”

With this leadership style firmly in place, the future of Rooter360 looks towards expansion, with William hoping to enter promising new markets. Here, he concludes by describing those future plans in more detail. “My plan is to focus on market expansion as we currently cover all of the South Florida and Orlando areas. In 2024, our plan is to get to the Jacksonville and Tampa areas to be able to cover all of the state of Florida. When it comes to summarising my career so far, I’ve been fortunate with many mentors in my professional life. I’ve played important roles in companies that scaled from 5 million to 30 million and from 30 million to 50 million. This is the first time where I started from 0 and I feel confident to continue to grow.”

All things considered, it’s easy to see how William has become a known and influential CEO, with a mission dedicated to providing client-centric services that are, from the outset, different from any other option on the market. With an approach defined by fairness and recognition, he drives his team towards greater success regardless of challenges and industry uncertainty. A well-deserved success by all regards, with a future that is as ambitious as it is achievable. If you need plumbing solutions, look no further than Rooter360.

For business enquiries, contact William Gardner from Rooter360 via email – [email protected] or on their website –


Address: 11511 Interchange Circle South, Miramar, FL 33025

Telephone: 866-843-4738

Diverse Directors

Diverse Directors: Insight into the Benefit of Workplace Diversity

FTSE 350 businesses are paying more attention to diversity amongst their senior team candidates than ever before.

The percentage of seats filled by ethnically diverse directors has risen to 22%. When it comes to gender balance, it has been found that 54% of new board seats have been taken by women, showing that companies are moving in the right direction.

But why is workplace diversity becoming such a priority? One of the most obvious benefits is that organisations can gain precious insight from people with varied backgrounds and experiences.

Impact, a world-leading expert in experiential learning, looks at ways in which diversity can enhance a business’s operations and how it can be implemented effectively.


The advantages of workplace diversity

Building a diverse workplace means employing people of different genders, ethnicities, age ranges, sexual orientations, and education levels.

With a squad of workers from all walks of life, you can truly promote team development and ensure that your company is as efficient as it can be.

Here are some of the advantages of embracing a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Diversity boosts creativity and decision-making

In a world where creativity is crucial to stand out from competitors and other businesses, having a diverse workforce by your side can act as an important ace up your sleeve.

Dominic Fitch, Head of Creative Change at Impact, said: “People from different backgrounds can offer fresh, innovative perspectives and ideas to help solve day-to-day challenges.

“This is because they see the world in their unique way and may be able to come up with solutions or suggestions that you might struggle to think of yourself.

“Pulling from a wide range of experiences, a diverse team is more likely to make sound, educated decisions. In fact, according to studies, they tend to make smarter choices than non-diverse workforces up to 87% of the time.

“Ultimately, with workers from all sorts of backgrounds, you will have a more socially aware team that can pick up tasks in a creative, efficient fashion.” 


Diversity promotes open-mindedness

Communication and collaboration are some of the most important ingredients in a successful business recipe.

In a company full of people from similar experiences, education, and upbringings, there’s little consideration for opposing opinions and outlooks. This is because colleagues may often be on the same wavelength and – through no fault of their own – fail to explore more original ways to carry out a task.

Instead, being part of a diverse group means sharing different viewpoints, which can encourage people to be more open to alternative solutions and expose them regularly to new ideas.

As well as benefitting the organisation’s efficiency and performance, it can also help foster a better company culture in which team members can thrive.


Diversity enhances a business’s reputation

Putting diversity at the top of your agenda can also improve your reputation in the eyes of the general public. This includes anyone from current employees, potential candidates, clients, customers, and even vendors.

Why? Because if you have created a visibly diverse workforce, more people will relate and feel a stronger bond to your company, as they can see themselves represented in the business, too.   

A good reputation can spur a larger clientele, as consumers are more likely to support and deal with organisations that share their same ethos.

In short, as well as allowing you to keep your staff happy and productive, workplace diversity can give you a better chance to secure business and maximise your profits.


How to create a diverse workplace

As a manager or business owner, it is your responsibility to encourage a diverse workplace culture. But where to start?

Currently, 47% of employers in the UK don’t have an inclusion and diversity strategy in place. If you’re one of them or have plans to nurture your workplace diversity even further, here are some tips to take into consideration:

  • Diversity recruitment processes – One of the first steps you can take as a business is to introduce a recruitment process that allows an unbiased selection of potential candidates. This doesn’t mean that you should focus exclusively on setting up interviews with people from different backgrounds. Instead, evaluate candidates fairly and equally based on their skills and competencies. The reality is that, at times, unconscious bias can step in the way of assessing applicants on their qualities only. A good start to nip the problem in the bud is to use software that filters out candidate information, including ethnicity and gender, meaning you can concentrate solely on people’s suitability for the role.
  • Conduct diversity and inclusivity training – If you are already investing in training to enhance your team’s knowledge and skills, think about adding programmes to promote the importance of diversity and inclusivity. This will provide your people with the right tools and knowledge to facilitate an inclusive environment. In fact, there may be instances where a non-inclusive workplace is the result of colleagues being oblivious to actions that might upset or affect others.Training sessions can prevent these situations by raising awareness. They can also help managers and seniors understand each team member’s needs, making sure everyone has the opportunity to participate in business activities and enjoy their time at work.
  • Refresh any outdated policies – As society continues to evolve and diversity begins to receive more attention, now is the perfect time to review your company policies. If you’ve been open for quite some time, there are bound to be policies that are a tad outdated. So, it is a good idea to look over your current approaches and update any policies that have remained stuck in the past.
  • Allow employees to celebrate their culture – Events such as Christmas, Easter, and birthdays are well-loved occasions here in the UK. But in a diverse workforce, there may be other festivities that individuals wish to celebrate based on, for example, their religious beliefs. A great way to promote inclusivity is to put all cultural holidays on the business calendar. This doesn’t mean the whole company needs to throw a party on the day, but it will encourage and make it easier for employees from diverse backgrounds to celebrate their culture.
man sitting on concrete block in suit in front an office

Kris King: Prop Tech’s Most Influential CEO

Originally started in Markham, Canada, SnapHouss is an award-winning real estate photography company that delivers professionally enhanced photos, cinematic property videos, floor plans, and 3D tours to real estate agents looking to enhance their property listings. Through its easy-to-use app, clients can book an appointment, track progress, and receive content instantaneously. The mastermind behind SnapHouss is tech titan Kris King, who has been named Most Influential Proptech CEO in the Most Influential CEO Awards 2023.

Born in Scarborough, Kris King remained in his home province of Ontario, Canada, while he studied to obtain a bachelor’s degree in IT management. After graduating, he entered the corporate world, working in managerial roles at several large franchises, including Pet Valu Inc., Hudson’s Bay Company, Canadian Tire Corporation, and Hiwell Technology Inc.

In these roles, Kris steered crucial divisions like cybersecurity, IT infrastructure, and IT software services, juggling his successful career with his thriving digital marketing company, which provided web and app development solutions to startups. Interestingly, his career eventually took him to Los Angeles, where he led the expansion initiatives of a cybersecurity company, serving as Director of IT Operations.

Before the recent Covid-19 pandemic, Kris moved back to Canada to establish SnapHouss, a prop-tech franchise. Since then, he has wielded his expansive technical knowledge in programming and management to create an internationally recognized organization. Today, SnapHouss has grown into the world’s largest property technology franchise, serving more than 100 cities with an impressive portfolio that includes over 40 locations across North America.

Striving to help real estate agents improve the quality of their next listing, SnapHouss captures photos, videos, 3D tours, aerial/drone footage, and more media related content that captures every detail of the home. With a team of experienced graphic designers, the company pairs exceptional capturing methods with graphically enhanced digitization to produce the best images with their proprietary AI-powered processing systems.

To make the property stand out even more, SnapHouss can digitally alter photos to make it appear as though they were taken at the peak sunset hour. Furthermore, if the property is unfurnished or untidy-looking, the company can also digitally stage rooms to appear beautifully decorated. This is not only priced more competitively than hiring a traditional staging company but also quicker, with results delivered within 12 hours.

Moreover, SnapHouss offers video walkthroughs of properties that can be shared, played, and distributed amongst clients at the click of a button. It provides viewers with the feeling that they are walking into and through the property, taking in features of both its exterior and interior. For properties that would look stunning from a bird’s eye view, the company also offers aerial photos and videos, taken with drones to bring out the best features the area has to offer.

To provide your clients with an immersive, interactive experience, SnapHouss also creates three-dimensional virtual tours using the industry’s best-in-class software. Users can click to move through the property and even zoom in on the details of every nook and cranny in each room. This is ideal for conducting virtual showings, enabling both real estate agents and their clients to save time travelling to and from properties.

SnapHouss can also provide two-dimensional and three-dimensional floorplans, allowing potential buyers to visualize every room from a bird’s eye view and decide if the property’s layout meets their needs. They can also consider the dimensions of each area to work out if their furniture will fit.

By marrying real estate with cutting-edge tech solutions, Kris has transformed the traditional property scene into a digital powerhouse. It’s no hyperbole to say that SnapHouss’ monumental success in the prop-tech industry can be credited to his impeccable technical acumen.

However, Kris’ ambitions extend far beyond revolutionizing the field of prop-tech with his exceptional technological knowledge. His latest venture, DefenseIQ, promises to be a game-changer for public safety. Primarily, this new company offers Enhanced Public Safety Drone Systems, aiming to address some of America’s most pressing issues.

Firstly, approximately 70,000 wildfires occur across America every year, destroying around seven million acres of forestland. DefenseIQ’s rescue mission drones are primed to tackle this problem, reducing the impact of wildfires on the country.

Secondly, a tragic reality is that there have been nearly 240 school shootings recorded in America since 2013. DefenseIQ’s tactical solutions and drones can aid emergency responses, potentially saving countless lives.

Thirdly, with hundreds of major events taking place in America annually, it is crucial to ensure effective security when large crowds are expected. The advanced surveillance capabilities of DefenseIQ’s drones can drastically improve event security management. This feature will also be beneficial for safeguarding the nearly 2,000-mile-long border that spans across the south of America, bolstering the country’s security efforts.

DefenseIQ sets itself apart from other safety solutions through its centralized command centre, which is operated by licensed RPA pilots and emergency service personnel to promise coordinated and efficient responses to crises.

With an astounding 20,000 hours of RPA flying experience, Kris is among the world’s most seasoned drone experts. He has invested more a combined 10,000 hours in training over 100 staff members to ensure their strict adherence to safety guidelines and their proper use of protocols, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to safety.

In an era dominated by technology, Kris’ ventures are not just business models. Instead, they are visionary endeavours that promise to redefine industries and ensure a safer, more secure future. He has utilized his unparalleled tech expertise to enhance both prop-tech and public safety thus far, demonstrating his status as an innovator with a cause. Crafting solutions that resonate far beyond boardroom discussions and profit charts, Kris is certainly one to watch in the years ahead.

For his continued excellence, Kris King has been awarded the title of Most Influential Proptech CEO as part of the Most Influential CEO Awards 2023. With ambitious plans, Kris looks towards a bright future; we wish him and his team at SnapHouss the best of luck in all their endeavours.

For business enquiries, contact Kris King from SnapHouss on their website –

Man sitting with laptop and working with growing graph.

A Lasting Legacy of Positive Change

Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Massimino Ventures is a global private equity and venture capital operation with a focus on SMEs. The mastermind of serial entrepreneur, Daniel Joseph Massimino, he was recently recognised as Most Influential CEO 2023 – Pennsylvania (Financial Services) for his dedication and commitment. We find out more from Daniel himself as he introduces us to a place where passion, purpose, and progress converge.

Part of the Massimino Companies group, Massimino Ventures believes in creating a world where excellence, innovation, and compassion thrive. As a pioneering global private equity and venture capital firm, the group’s mission is to transform industries, nurture talent, and generally make Earth a happier planet to live upon! This is the motto by which the company’s namesake, Daniel (Dan) Massimino, lives, breathes and, indeed, thrives.

The company’s journey began with a vision to cultivate ecosystems that inspire creativity, foster equality, and promote a healthy work-life balance. Over the years, Dan and the team have diligently maintained a warm and welcoming environment where co-workers feel empowered, and where the core values of the firm, which revolve around fairness and inclusivity, not to mention its firm commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, enable it to shine the light on the smaller, lesser-known companies who simply need a little help getting off the ground.

Styling himself as an ‘angel investor’, Chief Executive Officer, Dan’s main roles and responsibilities lie in identifying individuals and organisations in order to build lifelong mutually profitable relationships with them, all the time humbled by the opportunity to pursue ideas with capital and striving to be a responsible investor.

“We serve startups from pre-seed idea stage all the way through lower mid-market companies doing $200 million plus in annual revenue,” Dan elaborates. “My personal preference seems to focus more on the lower mid-market as it is the most exciting stage, in my opinion, and the work we do there has the greatest impact.”

In fact, one of Massimino Ventures’ clients alone provides services to more than 250,000 retailers in India, an example which highlights just how many consumers the firm’s products and services impact on a daily basis.

“Working on projects like that brings me great joy, just knowing that our work is positively impacting so many lives,” enthuses Dan. “The root of every endeavour is an insatiable curiosity and desire to leave earth a happier planet than when I found it. Having fun and helping other humans are my top priorities in life.”

Having been an entrepreneur for more than half of his life, from the tender age of 12 when he set up his very first company, Dan has worn many hats, met many people, and ventured into a wide array of industries. Over this time, he has also developed a deep love of building things and a passion for solving super difficult problems. Confessing that he has failed more than he has succeeded, Dan seems to finally have hit the sweet spot.

“I’ve sold a lot of stuff, wasted a lot of money, and made a ton of mistakes,” he humbly admits. “At the end of the day, I just love playing the game.”

With that being said, Dan continues to tell us that he believes the single greatest challenge that we all face in life, and business, on a daily basis is knowing thyself and getting out of our own way. Having worked on himself over the course of his entrepreneurial journey, Dan now sees himself as much more self-aware of his defects and has learned that it is much easier to find people who are good at the things that he cannot do, rather than trying to change who he is to overcome his shortcomings.

“I am what I am,” he laughs. “When I was younger, I used to be more of a micro manager, but now I primarily focus on crafting the vision for the future and simply steering our dedicated and global team in the right direction. I believe if you give your people the right aim and values, they will naturally do the right things within the organisation in order to accomplish the desired outcomes.”

Regarding other obstacles and issues that have been faced and overcome, regulation is always a huge challenge in the financial industry, with regulators seemingly introducing more and more rules, slowing innovation and creating barriers to entry for the smaller guys – something which Dan finds incredibly frustrating. Opportunities, however, he sees everywhere and in everything.

“I think the greatest opportunity we all share as executives is to make a meaningful impact on the world around us for our species and future generations,” continues Dan. “At this current moment on the space time continuum, I’m not quite sure exactly what it is that I want to do with my time here on this spinning rock we call Earth so for now I’m just following my God given intuition and genuine curiosities.”

Recently, for his dedication and commitment to enabling and empowering the smaller companies out there in the hope that they can one day thrive, Dan was recognised in the CEO of the Year Awards and presented with the prestigious accolade of Most Influential CEO 2023 – Pennsylvania (Financial Services). Understandably delighted, he is quick to recognise the skills and hard work of his dedicated team too, who he states have helped the company to become the success story it is today.

“A company is nothing but a group of people working really hard to create products and services,” he enthuses. “Without people, you have no company and so we have a people-first culture.”

Now, as the firm looks towards a bright and exciting future, Dan has big plans. Over the next 12 months, his goal is to continue to build strategic partnerships and alliances across the globe that share his values and visions of a happier future for all humans on earth.

He aims to attain this by building a global financial conglomerate consisting of a holding company; a private equity firm focused on fintech, AI, infrastructure, aerospace, and sustainability; a venture arm focused on founders with disabilities; and a non-profit focused on programming for gifted children!

And where his own personal development is concerned?

“Honestly, I don’t believe very much in concrete plans as I believe the universe itself does a much better job at planning than I could ever do,” Dan finalises. “Therefore, I tend to focus more on the present and the vision, then let the universe work the rest out. This perspective has made the greatest impact on my life.”

For business enquiries, contact Dan Massimino from Massimino Companies/Massimino Ventures via email – [email protected] or on their website –

Dan Massimino

C-Suite Chronicles: Leadership Lessons from the Boardroom

The boardroom is where critical business decisions are made. It’s also where we can glean invaluable leadership lessons applicable in the business world and all aspects of life. As someone who observes C-suite executives in action, here are five key takeaways on what it takes to be an effective, inspiring leader.

Lead with Vision

The best leaders have a clear vision of where they want to take their organization. They can articulate this vision succinctly to rally their teams behind a common goal. Without vision, companies drift aimlessly, reacting to circumstances rather than shaping them.

Vision provides direction and purpose, keeping everyone aligned and engaged. C-suite leaders understand their vision must permeate through all levels of the company. They ensure their vision is communicated consistently in messaging, strategy, and culture.

Take Smart Risks

Innovation and progress require risk-taking. Stagnation is the result of always playing it safe. Top executives push boundaries and are willing to disrupt the status quo. They make calculated bets, mitigating the downside while maximizing the upside. Although risk-taking is inherently uncertain, great leaders create a culture where smart risks are encouraged and rewarded.

They know breakthrough ideas sometimes come from unexpected sources. Rather than shutting down bold thinking, they foster an environment for game-changing concepts to blossom.

Build a Strong Team

Talent is the lifeblood of any thriving organization. Exceptional leaders attract and develop a high-performing team. They understand the importance of diversity – in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Different viewpoints generate richer discussions and better decisions. Top executives look beyond traditional profiles when recruiting. They value skills and mindset over credentials. C-suite leaders take time to mentor and empower team members. They know their legacy will be measured by the strength of the team they built.

Be Decisive

In the boardroom, prolonged debate gives way to clear direction. Executives synthesize various viewpoints and then make a firm decision. They understand the perils of decision paralysis and its drain on momentum. Once a path is chosen, they align the organization behind that strategy. Of course, plans must adapt to changing conditions.

In times of upheaval, leaders remain decisive through quick and incisive thinking. They gather input but avoid analysis paralysis. In the boardroom, discussion is robust, but once a decision is made, alignment is total.

Take Ownership

At the helm of an organization, the buck stops with the C-suite. They take full ownership of overall performance. When metrics are missed, or initiatives falter, leaders avoid finger-pointing. They analyze setbacks as opportunities for improvement.

C-suite executives set the tone by rolling up their sleeves during crises rather than retreating to the boardroom. They hold themselves accountable to higher standards. Leadership is not just about giving orders but sharing the burden when sacrifices must be made. Ownership and accountability ultimately rest at the top in good times and bad.

Online Options for Aspiring Leaders

For those aspiring to take up leadership roles in business, a BBA in entrepreneurship online program can provide the knowledge to succeed. These programs teach critical skills like business planning, marketing strategy, financial analysis, and legal implications of launching a venture. Coursework combines theory and hands-on learning. Students emerge ready to attract investors, join business initiatives, or pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams.

Communicate with Transparency

Trust is the foundation of effective leadership. Employees need to believe their leaders have integrity. C-suite executives build trust through transparent communication. They openly share business challenges and priorities. Even when news is negative, they deliver it with empathy and context. Transparency does not mean oversharing confidential data; leaders understand what information should remain private.

But on broader strategy and direction, they provide insight into key decisions. They listen and welcome tough questions. Closed-door secrecy breeds skepticism. Communicating with candor and transparency, especially in difficult times, keeps teams aligned with leadership.

Stay Hungry

The best leaders remain lifelong students of their craft. They stay curious and hungry to keep growing because in the boardroom, power and status can lead to arrogance and complacency in the boardroom. Great leaders retain humility. They surround themselves with people who will challenge their thinking and push them out of their comfort zone.

They see every interaction as an opportunity to learn something new. Successful leaders reflect on mistakes and feedback to improve. They find inspiration in unexpected places. With discipline and determination, they sharpen their skills and evolve with the times. Staying hungry, humble, and curious sustains the passion that got leaders to the top and keeps them there.


The boardroom is a hotbed of high-stakes decisions and power dynamics. But it’s also a masterclass in leadership. Vision, risk-taking, team building, decisiveness, and ownership are hallmarks of effective leadership. C-suite executives provide invaluable lessons we can apply to leadership roles in any setting – from the boardroom to the classroom, from the office to the community.

We all have moments where we must lead others through uncertainty. Channeling the wisdom and courage displayed in the boardroom allows anyone to step up and lead effectively.

Defending the Workplace: How ID Cards Can Enhance Security

In the modern business world, security has become more crucial than ever. From safeguarding data to ensuring the safety of employees, businesses are always on the lookout for ways to bolster their defences. Among these methods, ID cards have emerged as a powerful tool. Let’s delve into how these cards play a vital role in enhancing workplace security.

Why Workplace Security Matters

Security isn’t merely about keeping out unwanted visitors. It’s about creating an environment where employees feel safe, data remains confidential, and business operations run smoothly. A security breach, whether physical or digital, can result in financial losses, damage to reputation, and reduced trust among clients and employees.

The Power of the ID Card

A Visual Deterrent: At the most basic level, an ID card immediately shows who should be in a particular place and who shouldn’t. When all employees and authorised visitors wear visible ID cards, anyone without one stands out. This simple visual cue can deter potential intruders or unauthorised visitors from entering or remaining in a secure area.

Advanced Technological Features: Modern ID cards aren’t just pieces of plastic with a photo. They come packed with technology. Features such as magnetic strips, RFID chips, or NFC capabilities mean these cards can integrate with electronic security systems. This boosts their effectiveness beyond a simple visual check.

How ID Cards Enhance Security

Controlled Access: Electronic access systems, when paired with advanced ID cards, can regulate who enters certain areas of a building. Maybe the finance team needs exclusive access to a room with confidential records, or perhaps the research and development lab is off-limits to everyone but a select few. ID cards can ensure that only those with the right permissions can enter sensitive areas.

Reducing Impersonation Risks: Impersonation is a real threat in workplaces, especially in large corporations where everyone may not know each other. An ID card with up-to-date photos and security features minimises the risk of someone pretending to be an employee or a contractor.

Accountability and Records: When integrated with electronic systems, ID cards can also keep a log of who enters or exits specific areas at given times. This is invaluable, not only for security reasons but also in cases of emergencies like fire drills or evacuations, ensuring everyone is accounted for.

Building Trust: Knowing that security measures are in place and that everyone in the building is identifiable and authorised, helps build trust among employees. They can go about their day confident in the knowledge that their safety and the company’s security are taken seriously.

Implementing ID Card Systems: If you’re looking to introduce or upgrade an ID card system, it’s crucial to consider your business’s unique needs. While a simple photo ID might suffice for a small company, larger organisations or those in sensitive sectors (like finance or healthcare) might need more advanced features.

It’s also essential to keep the system updated. This includes regularly updating photos, ensuring access permissions are current, and promptly deactivating the cards of employees who leave the company.


In the grand scheme of workplace security, ID cards might seem like a small piece of the puzzle. However, their impact is significant. They provide a straightforward, yet highly effective, way to visually identify individuals, control access, and maintain records.

These cards stand as an essential tool in the arsenal of modern businesses, defending the workplace from potential threats and offering peace of mind to everyone within.

If you are looking to enhance the security of your business, get in touch with Digital ID today to see how they can help you with their range of ID card printers and access control systems.

RIOT Secure

Pioneering Lifecycle Management for the Internet of Things

RIoT Secure AB is a Stockholm based tech firm who specialise in the secure lifecycle management of the Internet of Things (IoT). It covers all sizes of device, large or small, with an aim to make essential security more accessible to device manufacturers. It’s visionary architect Aaron Ardiri has recently been recognised as the Most Influential CEO 2023 – Sweden (IoT Technology), so we were delighted to have the chance to find out a little more about him and his work.

These days, we live in a world that is interconnected by a myriad of different devices, from smart appliances to connected cars, with many having the built-in ability to connect directly to the Internet. There are also many networks of interrelated devices that connect and exchange data with each other and the cloud. This is the Internet of Things (IoT), and it is obvious that security is a major factor, with many security exploits and vulnerabilities making headlines since their introduction. RIoT Secure AB specialises in lifecycle management for IoT by providing unprecedented security by leveraging the power of a hardware sandbox. It helps clients manage security across all devices, which might be something they find complex and time-consuming to do alone. RIoT Secure AB can help with a ready to use robust security solution for IoT, that takes into account concerns clients might have about being targeted for malicious purposes.  

CEO, Aaron Ardiri has a multifaceted role at the company, covering everything from business strategy, financial, and stakeholder management to overviewing the hardware/software development from conception through to deployment. He focuses on the firm’s key values of innovation, security, and collaboration to help address the complexities of IoT, but also accepts the evolving nature of the business. For example, whereas it used to be innovation as the primary focus, collaboration has become increasingly important as it is vital both for sustained growth and to stay ahead of the curve in technology.

Aaron is also cognisant of the fact that the firm is built on deep-rooted relationships. He identifies that he has worked with almost everyone on his team in some capacity, in various roles, over the previous two decades. This understanding and personal knowledge is vital, especially considering the team is geographically dispersed all across the globe. RIoT Secure has had to navigate time zones, cultural differences, and the nuances of remote working long before it became the norm for many businesses. The trust this has engendered over the years has become a glue, holding this rich and complex group together, and is a strength it hopes to pass on as a self-perpetuating cycle to any new team members who come onboard.

Considering his leadership style, Aaron sees himself as a fusion between the servant leader and transformational model styles. His overarching approach is to inspire rather than dictate, and empower team members by making sure they are provided with the tools necessary for success. He has been influenced by hands-on experience, working alongside peers and mentors in the industry. In addition, he has also been guided by leadership literature, and perhaps most of all has learnt from real-world interactions. This has combined to lead to Aaron’s flexible and adaptable leadership style.  

“Earlier in my career, I favoured a more directive style, particularly in high-stakes, fast-paced settings like start-ups. However, as I gained experience and led increasingly diverse teams, I recognised the benefits of a more inclusive and collaborative approach.”

RIoT Secure caters to a diverse range of clients, ranging from hobbyists to companies who are household names. To encourage continued engagement, the company operates from a foundational partnership perspective, customising solutions to overcome individual industry challenges. Its transparency and mutual respect within long-term relationships is something that allows it to go beyond mere transactional interactions, and truly collaborate with clients in building sustainable success. Aaron sees the company’s defining edge as being its willingness to tackle challenges others might reject as overly complex or difficult to take on. Because RIoT Secure has an agile team who are backed by robust R&D investment, it is able to adapt quickly to market changes, and excel in problem solving. Aaron describes it as offering “holistic end-to-end solutions providing unmatched value and establishing long-lasting client relationships.”

In many ways, because of its unique approach to security, the company is there to help clients negotiate the Internet of Things, placing the customers solution in a secure hardware sandbox – effectively making them disconnected. Because we live in a world where the IoT is woven across billions of devices, the intricate network is under constant threat of attack from security vulnerabilities, the most secure device is one that is not exposed to outside threats. RIoT Secure has the expertise to rise to the challenge, offering robust security measures that seamlessly integrate with clients’ devices. It offers lifecycle management for microcontrollers, even those that are resource-constrained, and works tirelessly to keep pace with technological advancements. Its employees are the backbone of the company, with each person contributing their unique skills and viewpoints to help the company achieve its goals. Such a blend of talent results in a dynamic work environment, where every new challenge is seen as an opportunity to grow.

Maintaining a culture of collaboration and continuous learning is a priority for Aaron. He does this by regularly engaging with the team through open forums, as well as via individual one-to-ones that keep the channels of communication flowing. Team building activities are also embroidered into the business culture, and professional development is an integral part of the workplace. Aaron ensures that he gets personally involved in such initiatives, to underline the fact that a hands-on approach is more than words, it is a principle embodied in daily work life.

“Adopting agile made us more adaptable to market changes, while fostering cross-functional collaboration improved efficiency and client value. These experiences have broadened my role from a manager to a change-inspiring leader.”

Looking to the future, Aaron has shared plans for global expansion and further market penetration over the coming year. RIoT Secure is spotting new industries where it can make a difference in a meaningful way, in addition to increasing its global territories. In this way it seeks not only to grow as a business, but also to become an integral part of the development process within IoT projects. Early engagement is imperative as it will allow the customers to see the importance of security and lifecycle management, ensuring they are built into products from the ground up. This will mean that systems are better designed and more security-aware from the very start. Long-term, RIoT Secure is aiming to be more than a business success; it wants to be a developer’s first choice for securing IoT solutions. To do this, strategic partnerships need to be formed, and relationships fostered not only at executive level but with developers building concepts and prototypes.

In terms of his own career, Aaron explains what an interesting journey it has been so far. He has had the privilege of being involved in a successful acquisition, and has been able to glimpse what retirement might look like for him. Ultimately, however, he knows that his heart lies in the world of innovating and problem solving for the industry he loves. For Aaron, the work is more than just a job, it’s a lifelong passion, and he is delighted to be carrying on doing what genuinely excites him.

For further information, please contact Aaron Ardiri or visit