Motivated Team

How to Keep Your Team Motivated in 2024

Managers and business owners have been told how to keep their employees motivated throughout the New Year after the festive break.

Business specialists at TelephoneSystems.Cloud have named five ways to keep teams stimulated and working hard throughout 2024.

Encouraging development amongst teams by offering incentives such as promotions and pay rises will remind employees of their value.

Managers should also allow for open and honest discussions to encourage others to speak about any changes or feedback they may have.

Another way to keep employees motivated is to implement new technologies and offer support in the form of training and industry tools to keep creativity flowing.

Juliet Moran, founder of TelephoneSystems.Cloud said: “After the festive break there might be a bit of a hurdle to face when it comes to getting your team motivated.

“It’s important to implement several strategies in the workplace to encourage motivation from the first day back and continue throughout the year..

“Offer active support and set annual objectives for teams to optimise workload once they’re back.

“Managers should also encourage honest feedback from their employees and actively implement any changes to acknowledge experiences from the past year that can be adapted.

“By investing in the latest industry technologies, employees will have the space and ability to embrace creativity whilst working to boost productivity.

“And by offering incentives such as promotions and pay rises to reward and recognise good work and valued employees, your team will feel appreciated and motivated to continue contributing the best they can.

“Here at, our staff get a bonus of 50% of the profits every year, showing our commitment to our team and how hard they work.”

Here’s how to motivate your employees in the New Year:

1. Invite honest feedback

Sit down with your team and invite an open and honest discussion about any changes that could be made in the new year, based on experiences from last year. Create a welcoming and casual environment to encourage employees to speak freely about any feedback and new changes they would like to suggest. Take on board these observations and consider implementing them into the workplace.

2. Encourage development

Remind your employees of their value and how their efforts throughout the past year have helped to shape the company. Actively rewarding hard work with promotions and pay rises will help keep your teams motivated throughout the year and encourage them to continue contributing to the bigger picture.

3. Offer active support and resources

After the festive break, it’s important not to set expectations too high for the first few days back. Offer up active support and productive resources such as additional training and industry tools to help others get up to speed.

4. Set annual objectives

Set clear objectives for the upcoming year so employees can optimise their workload throughout each quarter and understand priorities. Setting these expectations and goals will help your team settle back into work in a productive manner whilst staying focused.

5. Implement new technologies

Consider introducing some of the latest technologies into the office to foster an efficient workspace and encourage employees to feel engaged. Bringing in innovation can boost team creativity and motivate them to excel.

Personalisation In Client Gifting: Making Every Gift Count

When it comes to client gifting, one size doesn’t fit all. Going the extra mile and making each present count is vital in a personalization-driven world. After all, a thoughtful, individualized gift could create a lasting impact on your clientele and improve your relationship with them.

Imagine receiving a mass-produced gift package from a company. How would you feel? Chances are, it won’t evoke any emotions or make you feel valued as a client. Now, what if you received a curated one that reflects your hobby, personal taste, or a shared experience with the sender? This shows that the sender took time and effort to choose the perfect present for you.

So, how can you ensure that your client gifting program stands out from the rest? Let’s explore some tips that’ll help you achieve it. 

1. Understand The Preferences Of The Client

Customizing your gift starts with knowing your client’s tastes and interests. Studying their preferences, favorite pastimes, and social media profiles could help you gather insights. Are they a golfer, a coffee addict, or an art lover? Understanding what makes your client tick lets you choose the best gift for them.  

For example, if your client is a coffee lover, a subscription to a gourmet coffee delivery service or a sleek coffee brewing set could make the perfect gift. On the other hand, if your customer loves golfing, consider getting a set of personalized golf balls. This considerate gesture shows that you cherish their individuality and take the time to customize your present.

2. Think Outside The Box

When it comes to client gifting, creativity goes a long way. Why don’t you think outside the box instead of settling for the same generic gifts everyone else is sending? This way, you prove that you’re willing to put the extra effort into making your present stand out.

Do this by choosing unique and memorable gifts to make an impact. Let’s say you plan to find the best thank you gifts for clients. Why not send a charcuterie board with cocktail-scented candles, gold foil matches, and wine stoppers? This set could be an excellent choice for celebrating, perfect for showing appreciation to your clients.

Another out-of-the-box option is an experiential gift. This could be tickets to a live concert, a spa day, or even a cooking class with a renowned chef. These types of gifts not only show your thoughtfulness but also provide an opportunity for your clients to create lasting memories.

3. Consider The Event

When selecting a gift, it’s essential to consider the occasion or event. Is it a milestone celebration for your client’s company, a holiday season, or simply an appreciation for their continued partnership? 

During the holidays, consider a festive present that catches the mood. Meanwhile, imagine gifting an engraved crystal plaque personalized with the client’s name and milestone achievement. It could say, ‘Congratulations on 10 years of partnership’ or ‘Celebrating USD$1 million in sales.” Understanding the event’s significance makes it even more meaningful for the recipient.

4. Use High-Quality Packaging

A thoughtfully selected gift deserves equally impressive packaging. After all, first impressions count, and quality and presentation set the stage for what’s inside.

Consider premium materials and elegant finishes, and pay attention to detail when packaging your corporate gifts. You may engrave a natural wood with your client’s logo or add a velvet lining to the inside of the box for a luxe feel. Can you visualize how the recipients would react during their unboxing experience? 

5. Add A Personal Touch

Some gifts are more meaningful when they have a human touch. Consider a handwritten letter or a personalized message to express gratitude or wishes. 

Additionally, why don’t you make the gift unique? For instance, engrave the client’s initials on jewelry pieces like bracelets or necklaces, or tech gadgets like Bluetooth speakers or headphones. This thoughtful act can make your gift stand out while making your clients feel cared for.

6. Be Mindful Of Cultural Differences

In a globalized business world, client gifting must account for cultural variances. What may be considered a nice present in one culture could be offensive in another.

So, take the time to research cultural norms and customs to ensure that your gift is respectful and well-received. Are you aware that some cultures have specific taboos or superstitions regarding certain colours or symbols? In China, it’s believed that white symbolizes death and bad luck. So, if you’re sending gifts to your Chinese clientele, avoiding this colour can save your brand from unintentionally damaging client relationships.

Mastering The Art Of Next-Level Gifting

Overall, personalization is the key to making every client gift count. Following these tips can create a memorable gifting experience that leaves a lasting impression. Remember, extra effort goes a long way toward showing your clients they’re appreciated.

The Impact of Debt on Your Financial Future

Most people have goals they want to accomplish. Some people want to retire by age 55 or travel the world. Others want to put their kids through college to give them the best start in life or become a homeowner.

The financial decisions you make will determine whether your dreams come true or not. In particular, how you manage debt will influence which path you take. Today, American households hold $17.6 trillion in consumer debt, illustrating the dramatic rise in personal debt.

Not all debt is bad, but failing to manage your debt properly can land you in a heap of trouble that follows you for years into the future.

The Mental Health Impact of Bad Debt

Mental health issues can prevent you from achieving your potential in your personal and professional lives. According to a Forbes survey into debt and mental health, they found:

  • 48% of Americans reported sleep problems.
  • 40% reported an increase in anxiety.
  • 38% said their social lives were diminished.
  • 30% claimed they experienced depression.

In short, debt doesn’t only impact the numbers but also has a tangible effect on your mental state.

Dealing with debt together with mental health problems can set you back in your life goals. However, there are options available via debt management and relief programs with companies like TurboDebt, it could be a debt relief program in Illinois, NY, or Texas. These programs are designed to help borrowers manage their debt and create a plan to pay it off. They provide guidance and support to help borrowers take control of their finances and become debt-free.

Whether this is credit counseling, renegotiating your debts, debt consolidation, or even bankruptcy, confronting the problem can increase your quality of life and give you peace of mind.

Damaged Credit Scores

Your credit score measures your financial health and shows creditors that you are a reliable candidate for borrowing (or not). Approximately three in five Americans hold credit card debt, which can either boost or damage credit scores.

Your credit score increases when you successfully repay your debt on time and drops when you miss your repayments.

Bad credit scores make it difficult to obtain all forms of credit, including mortgages, auto loans, and credit cards. In some cases, poor credit scores could even make it difficult to rent a home.

Once your credit score turns bad, returning it to a serviceable number can take many years. Credit reporting agency’s such as Equifax state that a “good” credit score ranges from 670 to 739.

It may also surprise you that the average American credit score has reached an all-time high of 718. This is despite debt hitting record levels, which shows Americans today are handling their debts well.

No Chance to Save

Saving money is essential to planning for life’s little emergencies and achieving your financial goals, such as saving up enough for a mortgage downpayment.

With no savings, you are vulnerable to events entirely out of your control. For example, thousands of Americans have found themselves in financial turmoil due to increasing inflation and interest rates in the post-pandemic world.

Likewise, your car breaking down or your boiler experiencing problems in the dead of winter can make life miserable, forcing you to take on even more debt.

Debt today prevents you from building up your safety cushion for the future.

Working More Than You Wanted

Another issue impacting your financial future is being forced to work multiple jobs to increase your income. Debt that forces you to work your fingers to the bone doesn’t just impact your quality of life but also makes it more challenging to progress in your chosen career.

Do you really think you can give your all in pursuing a promotion when working one or two extra jobs?

Although taking on seasonal work can be a short-term fix for debt management, it’s not a silver bullet for bad debt.

Not Saving Enough for Retirement

Most Americans underestimate how much they need for retirement. According to a CBS News poll, more than half of Americans feel behind on their retirement savings.

It’s no secret that Social Security alone isn’t enough to live a comfortable retirement. Financial experts say that Social Security should be considered a supplement to a private retirement pot.

Bad debt prevents you from socking this money away throughout your working life, forcing you to make up the ground later or curtail your post-work plans entirely.

To enjoy your retirement, you must start early and consistently save enough, or you may find the ground impossible to make up.

Inability to Make Large Purchases

Landmark purchases are life’s milestones. Homes, cars, and college for your kids are some things you might be saving for.

Unfortunately, bad debt doesn’t just prevent you from getting the best deals on your loans. It prevents you from taking on debt to make the big purchases you could never hope to put down cash for.

A questionable credit history can mean a lifetime of renting, meaning you ultimately spend more on an essential you can never own.

Additionally, when it comes to assets like homes, if you spend much of your working life in debt, you may never achieve your dreams of paying off a mortgage because it’s standard to spend 20 years on these loans.

Quick Tips for Handling Your Debts

Need help dealing with your debts? The best solution is prevention. Follow these quickfire tips to get started:

  • Create a budget.
  • Slash your expenses.
  • Renegotiate your debts.
  • Practice saving part of your paycheck before you do anything else.
  • Ask for a raise.
  • Seek professional debt counseling.

These are just some basic tips that can help you to practice good debt management. Of course, every journey is unique, so it makes sense to seek professional help and build a plan tailored to your financial situation.

Debt is a cancer. Leave it unchecked, and it can soon dominate every part of your life, thus preventing you from achieving your financial goals going forward. If you’re struggling, the answer is to confront the problem head-on. You can consult a professional be on your way to control your finances today.

Sustainable Business Leaders

How Business Leaders Can Support Sustainability and Achieve a Net-Zero Workplace

Reducing environmental impact means investing in the right technology, adopting effective initiatives and ensuring employees are invested in the process.


Sustainability has become a major focus for businesses in recent years, with a significant goal being to achieve net zero emissions status. There are a number of ways organisations can achieve this, some more obvious than others. Key to all efforts, however, is a steadfast focus on the most energy-intensive activities – such as printing – and figuring out how to reduce their environmental impact. This is according to Kyocera Document Solutions UK.


Steve Pearce, Head of Marketing, at Kyocera Document Solutions UK commented: “In recent years the emphasis on sustainability in businesses has grown enormously, with organisational leaders being held more accountable than ever before. Companies are no longer judged purely on basic initiatives such as recycling, but on areas such as resource consumption and carbon neutrality, with greenwashing a common accusation for businesses that only half-heartedly commit to sustainable causes.


According to recent research, 77% of people are influenced by a company’s environmental record when deciding to buy from them. Steve Pearce outlines some key steps organisations must take to get their eco-credentials in order.


Monitor energy consumption


Steve Pearce: “It is important organisations thoroughly understand their overall energy consumption, particularly the impact of their most energy-intensive activities. This should cover not just the energy you consume in the office, but emissions related to things like staff commuting.


“It’s very much a case of every little helps here. Engaging only with green vendors for office equipment such as printers is a good way to go, particularly if these vendors are fully carbon-neutral businesses themselves. This can be combined with other popular initiatives such as cycle-to-work schemes and carbon offsetting projects. The end goal should always be to reach carbon-neutral status, and to get there you have to make sure you’re sustainable in every part of the business.”


Educate your employees

“Sustainability initiatives can only achieve lasting success if your employees are fully invested and on board. Consistent and transparent communication is key to this: for example, programmes educating employees on responsible energy usage, recycling and carbon neutrality should be carried out frequently.


“These can be linked to awareness days or weeks that promote sustainability, such as COP28, Recycle Week or World Sustainability Day. When staff understand the part they play in the push towards net zero, they’re much more likely to engage fully.”


Enhance your print estate

“There are countless ways organisations can build a net-zero workplace through technology, but perhaps a lesser known way to achieve this is by having the appropriate print devices and print management policies in place.


“Moreover, organisations can look to invest in printers that have sustainability at heart. The most environmentally friendly printers function with low energy, are made predominantly of recycled materials and can themselves be recycled at the end of their lifetime, and are built with durable materials which reduce the need to frequently replace parts. Combining all of this into a carbon-neutral managed print service – covering after-sales care, device maintenance, engineer mileage and device disposal – will make a major difference.


“The correct print management software not only increases document security, but enables employees to significantly reduce how much they print. For example, quotas can be set for specific staff or departments based on needs, meaning energy isn’t wasted on unnecessary print jobs.


“Achieving a net-zero workplace won’t happen overnight, but it is vital business leaders integrate a sustainable approach into company culture. Purchasing in the right technology and committing to new initiatives are crucial steps in reducing energy consumption, but the greatest success will come when employees are fully included in the process”, concluded Steve Pearce. 

How Does Market-Making Work?

Description-Market makers play an essential role in supporting sufficient liquidity for trading platforms. By continuously placing orders in an order book, they facilitate trade execution for other traders and investors. In this article, we will discuss the core aspects of crypto exchange market making. 

During the last couple of years, the crypto industry has made a huge leap toward institutional adoption. The world’s leaders in technologies and finances started to see crypto as an opportunity to diversify their investments and capitalize on volatility. Institutional trading of crypto demands the quality development of trading infrastructure, where one of the core aspects is liquidity.

Market makers play an essential role in supporting sufficient liquidity for trading platforms. By continuously placing orders in an order book, they facilitate trade execution for other traders and investors, both retail and institutional. In this article, we will discuss the core aspects of crypto exchange market making

How Do Market Makers Make Money?

Market makers inject capital into the crypto market, therefore making it attractive for other traders and enabling quick trade fulfillment. Market makers are placing a higher selling price and lower buying price 24/7, profiting from the price difference which is called a spread. The difference may be as much as $0,5 from one coin, but when buying and selling thousands of tokens a day, market makers manage to earn substantial amounts.

The described market-making strategy is called two-legged trading and involves placing two orders on an asset simultaneously, where a buy order is below the market price, and the sell order is above it. This cryptomarket-making strategy requires an in-depth understanding of the market dynamics and predicting price movements.

What is a Market-Making Algorithm and How Does It Work?

Professional market makers use algorithms that raise their trading efficiency. Those programs integrate with crypto exchange APIs to help make better profits and provide consistent liquidity. 

Here are the benefits of algorithms in market making:

  • Reduced bid-ask spreads
  • Less volatile market
  • Efficient pricing
  • Increased liquidity 
  • Scalability
  • Faster response time
  • Much less human work and more automation.

How To Become a Market Maker?

Financial companies, brokers, high-frequency traders, and rarely individuals can participate in market-making programs on crypto exchanges.

A company that aims to become a market maker must have a solid background in trading and know how to use advanced instruments and software in trading. It also should be able to adjust its strategies depending on the market dynamics and never stop learning, for the market never stands still and new tools emerge. In addition, it must prove its compliance with regulations and capability to provide liquidity to a trading platform. 

Final Word

Market makers are essential players in the crypto market, especially when it comes to large institutional trading platforms. They create a smooth capital flow and a healthy environment, facilitating reduced bid-ask spreads, efficient pricing, and order fulfillment for both retail and institutional traders.

Leveraging Custom Clothing For Branding And Team Building

In the fast-paced business world, establishing a strong brand and cohesive team is paramount for success. Custom clothing, often overlooked, is a powerful tool in this quest. It goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s about creating a sense of unity, promoting brand identity, and fostering a positive corporate culture.

This article explores how custom clothing can be effectively utilized for branding and team building. Read on!

The Power Of Branding Through Custom Clothing

Custom clothing plays a pivotal role in promoting and boosting company branding in several key areas. It serves as a strategic tool for enhancing brand visibility, creating a consistent corporate identity.

Here’s a closer look at how custom clothing can be effectively used for company branding:

  • Enhanced Brand Visibility And Awareness

Employees wearing custom clothing, like shirts by Tee Junction and similar creators, essentially become walking billboards for the company. This increases brand exposure as they wear these clothes in various settings—within the office, during client meetings, or at public events.

Custom clothing ensures that employees present a consistent and unified brand image. This is key in establishing brand recognition and recall among customers and the general public.

  • Professionalism And Reliability

Custom clothing can help in projecting a professional business image. This is particularly important in customer-facing roles where first impressions matter.

Moreover, the quality of the custom clothing can reflect the company’s attention to detail and commitment to quality, which in turn reinforces the brand’s values and standards.

  • Marketing And Promotional Tool

Custom clothing can be integrated into marketing campaigns, especially during corporate events, trade shows, and conferences, to make a lasting impression. Meanwhile, offering branded clothing as merchandise can extend brand reach. When customers wear this merchandise, they further promote the brand to a wider audience.

  • Distinctive Brand Identity

The ability to customize clothing allows a company to stand out. Unique designs and logos make the brand easily identifiable and memorable. To add, custom clothing can be designed to align with the company’s brand messaging and values, ensuring a consistent and authentic brand representation.

  • Social Media Impact

In the era of social media, custom clothing can be a powerful tool. Employees and customers wearing branded clothing can share their pictures online, enhancing online brand presence. Furthermore, collaborating with influencers or brand ambassadors who wear and promote custom clothing can significantly extend brand reach and credibility.

Fostering Team Spirit And Unity

Custom clothing is a strategy that goes beyond mere aesthetics. It can also bolster the dynamics and cohesion of a team. Here’s how:

  • Fostering A Sense Of Unity And Belonging

When team members wear custom clothing, it creates a sense of shared identity. This helps in building a stronger team as members feel a part of something larger than themselves.

Custom clothing can also bridge gaps between different departments or hierarchies within a company. It promotes a sense of equality, making everyone feel valued and part of the team.

  • Enhancing Team Spirit

Wearing the same clothing acts as a visual symbol of unity and teamwork. It’s a constant reminder that each member is working towards common goals and objectives. Moreover, custom clothing can serve as a morale booster. When team members wear apparel they’re proud of, it can enhance their sense of pride in their team and work.

  • Creating A Collaborative Culture

The process of designing and selecting custom clothing can itself be a team-building exercise. It allows team members to collaborate, share opinions, and make collective decisions. Also, by wearing similar clothing, perceived barriers between different levels of staff can be reduced. This encourages more open communication and collaboration across the organization.

  • Building Brand Loyalty And Alignment

Custom clothing can reinforce the company’s values and culture. When team members wear clothing that reflects these values, it helps in aligning their actions and attitudes with the company’s ethos.

What’s more, employees wearing branded clothing become ambassadors of the company. This role can instil a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards the company, strengthening the team’s commitment to the brand’s success.

  • Encouraging Team Participation And Engagement

For team-building events, specific custom clothing can be created. This not only adds fun to the event but also encourages participation and a sense of camaraderie. Custom clothing can also be used as a form of recognition and reward for team achievements, further motivating team members and reinforcing a positive team culture.

Practical Considerations

When leveraging custom clothing for branding and team building, certain considerations play a crucial role in ensuring the success of this strategy. These include:

  • Comfort And Practicality: While aesthetics is important, comfort shouldn’t be compromised. Choosing the right fabric and fit that suit the diverse needs of the team is crucial.
  • Inclusivity In Design: Designs should be inclusive, considering various body types and personal preferences. Offering a range of options, such as t-shirts, hoodies, or caps, can ensure that everyone finds something they’re comfortable wearing.
  • Sustainability: Opting for eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices can further enhance the brand’s image, especially among environmentally conscious consumers.


Custom clothing is a multifaceted tool in the arsenal of corporate strategy. It doesn’t just create a uniform look but is also a strategic approach to enhance brand visibility, foster a positive work culture, and build a cohesive team. By carefully considering design, comfort, and inclusivity, organizations can harness the full potential of custom clothing for branding and team building.

A confident team leader leading a business meeting

Leading from the Top for Lasting Change

By Sharmla Chetty, CEO of Duke Corporate Education

Pushes for inclusivity must start from the top.

Gathering voices from a multitude of backgrounds might seem like progress, but it’s fruitless unless these voices are truly heard. Inclusivity lies in not just bringing diverse voices together but in actively encouraging and amplifying them. This is crucial in fostering equity within organisations, a journey that faced setbacks during the pandemic.

Women and black and Asian ethnic groups experienced a disproportionate impact during the pandemic, which in turn has brought diversity back into sharp focus. While having diverse teams is a good starting point, organisations need to make a sincere commitment to fostering deeper inclusion to break free from repeating historical errors.

To ensure that diversity makes a meaningful impact on both organisations and society at large, boards must go beyond mere representation. They need to actively involve and engage individuals within their teams, embracing the multitude of viewpoints, perspectives, and styles within diverse teams. Teams actively pushing for diversity and inclusivity see 35% more productivity, and a study from LinkedIn shows that 60% of survey respondents say that inclusivity within their team has contributed to their success.

Research from Gallup shows that despite 97% of HR leaders reporting that their organisation has made changes to improve DEI, many employees feel differently, with only 37% of employees strongly agreeing that their employer has made changes to improve DEI in their workplace. This signals that although some advancements are being made, there is still considerable room for improving DEI efforts to create impactful changes from the top. Inclusive leadership is the key to making diversity matter because diversity without inclusivity is detrimental to an organisation’s success.


5 Steps Closer to Inclusion

Boards should follow these five steps to ensure inclusion is embedded into the fabric of their organisation:


  1. Understanding Inclusion

The first step in your journey to DEI improvement is having a clear understanding of what inclusion actually means. Without that understanding, your goal will be near impossible. Build a foundation based on one cohesive definition that everyone in the organisation understands.


  1. Strategy Alignment

Boards must ensure that their business strategy aligns with their inclusivity goals. They should provide direction that helps drive their strategies towards inclusivity, while also ensuring they amplify inclusivity within both the boardrooms and throughout the company.


  1. Recruit Inclusive Leaders

Hiring individuals who exhibit inclusive characteristics is crucial to the success of reaching your inclusivity goals. These leaders build trust and create environments that foster openness and safety, allowing different perspectives to be explored advantageously.


  1. Measuring Inclusivity

The progress of inclusivity within your organisation should be measured. This can be done by monitoring retention and keeping track of representation levels to ensure diverse teams are having their voices amplified and involved in all parts of the business. Boards should monitor from an organisational standpoint, while leaders and managers should collect and analyse data within their departments.


  1. Perception

The way external stakeholders perceive the company is important. Boards should ask leaders to assess how customers, suppliers, and the public view the company, as well as ensure leaders within the company view the organisation through an inclusive lens, specifically from multiple perspectives. Boards should get opinions from external parties and help leaders continue building their inclusive brand.



Being an ally is the most crucial piece of being inclusive. Everyone benefits from the sense of inclusion which comes from valuing uniqueness, being socially connected, and treating others fairly. Creating an inclusive environment is more difficult than creating a diverse one, so relying on only recruitment demographics isn’t enough.

Effective allyship means those with privilege can advocate for marginalised voices who are often relegated to the background. By educating themselves on their privileges, allies can recognise and address unconscious biases to ensure all voices are heard equally. It’s important to remember that allyship is about action and therefore involves a commitment to ongoing self-education and collaboration with colleagues from different backgrounds.

Boards need to be their organisation’s biggest ally. They are the ones driving inclusivity from the top and are the backbone of change throughout their organisation. Following the five steps outlined above and staying committed to improving will in turn pave the way for a more diverse and inclusive future.

Office Culture

Creating a Thriving Learning Culture: Four Obstacles to Overcome

Embracing a learning culture in the workplace is a great way to help your business and people thrive. When companies get this right, it is estimated they are 92% more likely to be innovative and 37% more productive.

That said, there is no hiding that implementing organisational change by bringing in a learning culture can come with its challenges. For instance, you may find that some employees resist change at first, which can slow down the process and damage the team development.

As a manager or business owner, what are the barriers you might face when trying to create a thriving learning culture?

Here, Dominic Fitch, Head of Creative Change at team development specialist: Impact, identifies some of the frequent obstacles to employees’ personal and professional growth while highlighting ways to overcome these hurdles.  


Lack of support from leaders and managers

For team members to appreciate the importance of continuous learning and professional development, it is crucial for managers and seniors to support them throughout the journey.

Dominic Fitch, Head of Creative Change at Impact, explains: “The reality is that, if there’s a lack of guidance from leaders, employees might fail to understand the benefits of merging work-related learning opportunities with their day-to-day tasks.

“Continuous learning is a fundamental aspect of work life, as it allows people to enhance their skills and improve both on a personal and professional level. But without adequate mentorship, team members may be missing out on this opportunity, which in turn can hinder the efficiency and productivity of your business.

“So, leaders and managers should always act as role models, promoting the advantages of continuous learning and taking time to allocate resources for training programmes.

“What’s more, you may want to consider being involved in learning and training sessions, too. By showing active and genuine interest in the development of your team, you can empower your employees to invest in their growth and foster a successful learning culture.”


Limited time

53% of workers in the UK feel overworked due to packed schedules and hefty workloads.

With so many tasks to carry out during their shift, many employees often have little time to focus on learning activities and professional development. And especially with strict deadlines and targets to meet on a daily basis, they might feel obliged to prioritise scheduled work over training opportunities.

Of course, it may not always be possible to postpone urgent tasks, but it’s the manager’s responsibility to find ways to ensure their team enjoys much-needed learning opportunities. One solution could be to reserve specific slots each week for training purposes only.

This means that, say, on a Wednesday morning, employees will know that they are booked for learning activities. This way, they can confidently concentrate on enhancing their competencies without having to worry about neglecting other impeding tasks.


Poor or insufficient resources

Another significant barrier to creating an effective learning culture is not having access to valuable resources. Without the relevant tools, books, documents, seminars, or webinars, what are your people actually going to learn?

The truth is that unless your employees are equipped with adequate training materials, they will find it challenging to keep up with innovations and industry trends. As well as limiting their potential and skills, this can have a negative impact on the company’s overall performance.

To nip the problem in the bud, invest in tailored learning resources, including training platforms, digital libraries, and online courses.

Yes, it’s no quick fix, and you may have to set some money aside to build your portfolio of resources. But don’t worry – it will be worth it in the long run. In fact, it will provide you with an increasingly skilled team that can drive your organisation forward.


Resistance to new processes and change

Let’s be honest – not everybody has a soft spot for change. 62% of UK employees, in fact, admit they don’t like leaving their comfort zone.

Once people are familiar with existing processes and are happy with their current knowledge, they can be reluctant to adopt different tools or methods. This could be because they worry about failing or being unable to keep up. Whatever the reason, if your team is resistant to change, it can threaten the smooth introduction of new training activities.

So, what can you do to prevent this? The best medicine is clear communication. As a leader, it’s important that you guide your people through new initiatives, underlining how these changes will benefit them in the short and long term.

Also, encourage your team to share any concerns and address them individually. This will allow you to highlight the advantages of your new learning culture and, in turn, help reduce people’s worries and scepticism.    

people standing at a green event

Green is the New Glam: If You’re Doing a Corporate Party, Do it Sustainably

by Jeff Dewing, CEO of Cloud

As the holiday season sparkles on the horizon, businesses are gearing up for festive gatherings. Amid the glitz and glamour, there’s a rising awareness that corporate events can shine even brighter with a touch of sustainability.

As the CEO of Cloud, I’ve had the privilege of spearheading Cloudfest—an annual event that in September 2023 managed to pull off a truly sustainable day festival that ticked all the right boxes across Environment, Social and Governance (ESG).

In the wake of our success and learnings, I’m eager to share insights on the critical role sustainable event planning plays in the business world, especially in the face of the climate crisis.


Sustainable event planning: a necessity, not a hurdle

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the need for sustainable event planning has never been more apparent. The key, however, is not to stop events altogether but to approach them with a heightened sense of consciousness. Cloudfest proved that celebrations can thrive without compromising our commitment to the planet.

Weaving sustainability into corporate events comes with its set of challenges and opportunities. It’s not just about finding eco-friendly alternatives; it’s about reshaping the very fabric of event planning. From meticulous research on local, sustainable suppliers to challenging conventional choices, the process requires a shift in mindset. Yet, within these challenges lie opportunities for innovation, creativity, and a positive environmental impact.


Positive impact on morale and culture: beyond green choices

One of the most profound outcomes of Cloudfest was the palpable boost in employee morale and the transformation of our corporate culture. Eco-conscious choices weren’t just about reducing our carbon footprint; they became a shared value that brought our team together. Employees felt proud to be part of an organisation that prioritised environmental responsibility, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the event.

We can’t forget that work gatherings serve as a valuable opportunity to foster connections with your employees, emphasising the significance of the ‘S’ in ESG – social responsibility. It’s crucial to prioritise employee well-being and ensure they have an enjoyable experience. During Cloudfest, we offered a diverse array of wellness activities, ranging from soothing gong baths and invigorating yoga sessions to adrenaline-pumping adventures like axe throwing and glass walking.


Key considerations for a green event: 

After the successful coordination of Cloudfest, an event attended by approximately 200 team members, where we managed to produce only three waste bags in total, I would like to share some essential factors to consider when organising an environmentally-conscious event:


  1. Plan ahead

 The journey to Cloudfest’s sustainability began a year before the event, with the Head of ESG spearheading the mission. A collaborative effort with the event organiser involved brainstorming sustainable alternatives, researching local suppliers, and challenging the status quo.


  1. Sustainable transport:

Efficient transport to and from the event was a cornerstone of Cloudfest’s sustainability strategy. We opted for hybrid coaches from our Colchester office as our eco-friendly mode of transportation, and those travelling from overseas adjusted their schedules and meetings to align with their UK visit, reducing unnecessary travel at a later date.


  1. Eco-chic venue: where style meets sustainability

 Choosing a venue aligned with low environmental impact is a strategic move. We chose Home Farm Glamping in Elstree as it not only provided a picturesque backdrop but also championed sustainable development goals. From recycled toilet tissue to reclaimed scaffold plank benches, every element echoed a commitment to the environment.


  1. Think creatively

 Use sustainable creativity with your props and decorations. A single Cloudfest logo served dual purposes, and planters showcased recycled sunflowers, adding a touch of eco-glamour. The solar-powered stage was a beacon of sustainable innovation, soaking up the sun during the day to illuminate the night.


  1. Sustainable corporate giveaways

 Corporate events often come with a barrage of giveaways and branded merch you’ll likely never use again, but Cloudfest embraced minimalism. Organic Fairtrade cotton T-shirts and lanyards made from recycled plastic bottles showcased a commitment to ethical fashion and waste reduction. There was also a drop off point for lanyards at the end of the event for people who didn’t want to re-use them. No-rush shipping ensured sustainable delivery practices.


  1. Waste not, want not: a circular approach to event waste

 Waste management took centre stage at Cloudfest, with a commitment to reusable plates and cups. Food waste, a significant challenge due to hot weather, was meticulously separated for anaerobic digestion. The result? Only 3 small bags of general waste, a fraction of the norm.


  1. Plant-powered choices

Food choices played a crucial role in Cloudfest’s sustainability narrative. Abundant vegetarian and plant-based options were more than just a culinary choice—they were an environmental statement. Attendees learned the environmental benefits of opting for a veggie burger, promoting conscious consumption without judgment.


Crafting sustainable legacies 

As businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape, it’s crucial to recognise the power of events in shaping not just our present, but our future. Sustainable event planning is more than a trend; it’s a responsibility and an opportunity to craft legacies that align with our values.

Incorporating lessons from Cloudfest, I urge fellow leaders and event planners to embrace the challenges and opportunities of sustainability. It’s not just about making green choices; it’s about reimagining events as platforms for positive change. By doing so, we not only contribute to a healthier planet but also foster a corporate culture that values conscious choices and collective well-being.

Corporate Party

Corporate Celebrations: Why Hosting Your First Party is Good for Business

For many employees, the Christmas party is a key date on the corporate calendar. It is a time to celebrate the festive season with colleagues in a fun setting and let your hair down. For the business, it’s a chance to wave goodbye to a productive year and reward staff for all their hard work. 

For CEOs in a new role who find themselves organising their first festive event, the pressure however, might be on to plan the party well. Not only do they need to organise an enjoyable get together, they need to ensure that they get the balance right when attending as the CEO in a relaxed setting. Ideally, the best corporate party is a win-win for you, your staff and the company. This article has the following tips to help you strike the perfect balance.


Plan and Personalise Your Christmas Party 

As this is your first year hosting the company’s Christmas party, it’s an important event that you might want to stamp your personality on. The event is a fantastic opportunity for you to begin shaping the company culture you want, so choose a theme that reflects who you are and how you want to present yourself to the company. Your new employees will be meeting the real you and even eating, drinking (and dancing!) with the person behind the professional!

When it comes to choosing the theme, setting a budget, catering and picking a venue, be sure to engage in the early planning stages and be clear about what you want from the party. This can be done by choosing specific Christmas entertainment, food and music that aligns with your personal and professional opinions, but make sure you arrange an inclusive event for everyone


Be Practical and Delegate the Minor Details

To help ensure your first seasonal social is a success, there are some practicalities to consider whether you want to host it in the office or hire a venue. Once you have picked the setting, consider contingency plans like hiring a corporate marquee if it requires an outside area that needs to withstand the elements. 

You’ll then need to decide the date and preferably pick one that fits into most people’s working week and schedule. For today’s remote-working patterns, a mid-week evening might work well. Although some of the time-consuming but finer details might not fall to you, it’s a good idea to delegate someone to send out the party invites for at least four weeks. In addition, they might want to email and circulate reminders perhaps one week and, again, one day before the event to boost attendance. By starting these preparations early and delegating tasks, you’ll demonstrate that you want colleagues to attend and that the party is important to you.


Stick to a Realistic Budget

It is crucial that you organise a budget ahead of arranging your party and stick to it. Last year, 36% of businesses decided to cut back on party expenditure due to the cost-of-living pressures, high inflation and rising energy prices. In your role as CEO, you want to ensure that your budget is realistic and responsible, rather than spending too little or going over the top.

As this is your first one, the temptation might be to ‘push the boat out’ and spend more than you should to win the popularity stakes, but this is a bad move. Instead, research the expected costs for food, drinks, entertainment and decorations and approve the major expenses early on. You’ll also want to make sure your budget fits the numbers on your guest list. If you want to go all out with the festive decor and make your corporate party as Christmassy as possible, opt for low-cost lights, poinsettias, snow and fake trees for seasonal fun. Consider investing in small presents to thank staff for their hard work.


Boost Business with a Festive Event 

Hosting your first Christmas party as a CEO can benefit you and your business. It is a great morale booster, and shows how much you value staff. In turn, your employees appreciate the company investing time and resources in the event, especially if other companies are cutting back. 

Organising corporate events allows teams to celebrate targets met and shared goals which cement a sense of accomplishment and motivate employees going forward. Socials can help foster a healthy company culture that you’re aiming for as an onboarding CEO. In fact, as the new face at the top, it’s more important than ever to have gatherings away from the workplace, and the fact you’re having a party says a lot about you as the incoming person in charge. 

Hosting a party also strengthens intra-office relationships. It enables colleagues from different departments or levels who don’t normally interact during work to mingle and connect. In a relaxed setting, colleagues can gain an insight into you as the new CEO as well as each other, building a greater and united front for the business and boosting future healthy collaboration. Dedicating your time, energy and investing in a celebration also shows staff they are valued, fostering a positive culture.


Behave Impeccably for a Winning First Impression 

As a CEO, this festive event is a great chance to meet staff you haven’t met and you’ll want to make a good impression. It’s important to lead by example and this applies to social events just as much as to serious meetings. So from the start, greet your staff in a friendly manner and circulate as much as possible.

If you’re giving a speech make it heartfelt and if you’re presenting any gifts or awards, take the time to congratulate and praise your employees by name. Most importantly, as well as bringing employees together, your annual Christmas party is an occasion for you to show your human side. So, let your true personality come out and balance your toasts and speeches thanking staff with the right level of sincerity and humour. Thank staff for their efforts this past year and share your enthusiasm for achieving more together. It’s also a good idea to attend the whole event and to try and mingle with everyone. Remember, at all costs, to avoid the dreaded pitfalls of a festive party!


Ensuring a Successful Inaugral Celebration

Hosting a Christmas party delivers many benefits for a business and its leadership. It’s a chance to boost employee morale, strengthen work relationships, motivate staff and show appreciation for their efforts. Employees who feel valued through celebratory events like this are more loyal, engaged and productive. 

For CEOs and leaders hosting their first party in a new role, it’s an opportunity to connect with employees on a more personal level. By attending the full event, giving a great speech and highlighting the success of individuals and the company as a whole, you’ll make your event a memorable one.


Unlocking Global Markets: CEO Strategies for Cyber-Resilient Expansion

Scaling Cybersecurity for Overseas Expansion

Expanding operations into new countries introduces prolific new cybersecurity considerations for organisations. 

New regulatory environments, staff training needs, response planning, third-party oversight, and segmentation strategies must all be addressed to secure global growth. So how can scaling up organisations implement strategic cyber policies and procedures to enable a smooth transition overseas? 

That’s what this guide looks to uncover to empower you to undertake this endeavour with confidence and ensure your overseas expansion is successful.


Understanding Local Laws and Obligations

The regulatory compliance obligations in your new overseas location, should be fully researched and understood right from the start. Researching any new territories in depth that your business has identified as viable to enter should be the first part of your strategy. 

Engaging experienced, professional legal counsel can help fully identify applicable cybersecurity regulations and repercussions of non-compliance. These should be baked into security and privacy policies from the outset. Special firms exist to help enterprises set up facilities in territories like Gibraltar with consolidated experience, advising foreign entities on establishment and regulatory obligations across technology and cybersecurity. 

It’s always prudent to consult legal assistance and advice before taking operations overseas to understand the full extent of legal criteria your operation will have to meet.

Key areas to cover include (but are not limited to):


  • Data residency laws – Some countries require data on citizens to remain within their borders and not to be shared externally. Moving certain data overseas may be restricted.

  • Data protection regimes – Privacy rules like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the EU or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) in the U.S. may apply with requirements like data subject consent, access rights, and breach notification.

  • Industry regulations – Sectors like finance and healthcare often have more stringent and legislation-backed cybersecurity rules to adhere to. Each region will have specific criteria to meet which is worth paying heed to if you operate in these industries.

  • Law enforcement cooperation – Mandatory data sharing and assistance for government inquiries sometimes are enforced in certain regions.

  • Breach notification laws – Timeframes for reporting breaches, and potential regulatory fines or lawsuits. These may be different to your native country of operation so pay close attention to these relevant cybersecurity regulations.


Training Local Teams on Security Best Practices

Do not assume any overseas staff – whether full-time hires or independent contractors – are familiar with your preferred cybersecurity practices and protocols. If you have spent time refining processes based on EU or US legislation and regulations, and you’re taking your enterprise to a new territory altogether, you may need to bring native workers up to speed. 

Extensive training is required to uphold consistent policies across the organisation, regardless of geographical location.

You should enforce the following baseline protective measures for all workers, wherever they are located:


  • Password policies – Mandate complex passwords be used and changed regularly, ideally using enterprise-wide password managers.

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) – Request users submit an additional credential like biometrics or one-time codes to access shared or collaborative systems.

  • Data handling – Deploy secure storage, encryption, access controls, proper sharing, and disposal procedures.

  • Physical security – Establish procedures concerning physical risks such as workstation lock screens, closed-door policies, and badge access controls.

  • Phishing awareness – Train all users on identifying and reporting potential phishing attempts. Conduct simulated phishing tests to reinforce learning.

  • Travel security – Familiarize all workers with proper protocols for bringing devices abroad, avoiding public WiFi, and spotting social engineering attempts.


Schedule regular refresher training to keep security top of mind. Bring in outside experts to deliver bespoke training where necessary.


Tailoring Incident Response for Local Realities

Existing incident response plans likely focus on infrastructure that’s established in your home territory. It’s likely that you will need to expand your plans to encompass any setup or facility that relies on connected and collaborative systems, particularly with more workforces working remotely on occasion

Cover overseas considerations like:

  • Jurisdictional variances – The likelihood of different breach notification and liability laws. This will also include potential interaction with foreign law enforcement agencies depending on the severity of a breach.

  • Language barriers – Communication plans to bridge language gaps during investigations and notifications, along with remedial efforts. Consistent communication is key during a crisis.

  • Public relations – Managing PR and communications across geographic regions during and after incidents. This will require careful consideration if a breach is particularly severe.

  • Alternative infrastructures – Response contingencies for any foreign data centre outages or loss of cloud access.


Vetting Third-Party Security Posture

Relying on vendors native to your new territory introduces risks, which is why it’s crucial to scrutinize their security carefully. While most firms will exercise proper security across their operations, don’t always judge a book by its cover.

For third parties like local infrastructure, software, and payment processors, as well as marketing and PR agencies, make sure that you do the following before committing to any agreement.


  • Review privacy controls – Do they meet relevant data protection obligations in the region?
  • Audit security measures – Request documentation on encryption, access controls, pen testing, and business continuity to support small businesses and larger corporations.
  • Check subcontractors – Any additional parties they use may provide alternate attack routes.
  • Visit facilities – Inspect physical security firsthand where possible.
  • Build review rights into contracts – Include audit, info sharing, and site visit rights.


Regular reviews of supplier security should be scheduled once under contract. Require swift remediation of any findings. 

For organisations with constrained in-house resources, third-party cybersecurity services can provide quick capabilities for global growth. This can include the aforementioned penetration testing of incumbent systems to broader incident response retainers, policy implementation, vulnerability assessments, compliance consulting, detection & response capabilities and cyber threat monitoring. 

While it’s safe to assume most qualified and accredited cybersecurity specialists will uphold data integrity, make sure that they can capably handle any anomalies that lie in your new overseas setup. 


Controlling Data Access Abroad

Digital transformation has accelerated the adoption of systems that can coexist with geographically dispersed teams. 

With most company data able to be accessed overseas, the benefits this can bring are apparent. However, managing and limiting access is still critical, particularly for workers who have less familiarity with best cybersecurity practices.

Companies should enforce strategies such as:


  • Data classification – Categorise sensitivity levels, and restrict offshore access to more sensitive data. Use the least privilege principle when allocating user permissions and access.

  • Access logging – Closely monitor who is accessing what data from foreign offices and validate any anomalies, blocking requests if necessary.

  • Data masking – Anonymise or randomise sensitive fields in datasets prior to sharing abroad. Make sure that all infrastructure is using valid TLS/SSL encryption for transmission.

  • Data loss prevention – Deploy DLP to monitor and control data exfiltration from foreign offices.


  • Remote access controls – Centrally manage identities and monitor remote access from abroad via VPNs. Enforce multi-factor authentication where applicable for additional security.

  • Data exfiltration prevention – Inspect outbound network traffic for unauthorised data transfers from foreign sites.


Expanding operations overseas generates plenty of viable growth opportunities. However, among those lie major new cybersecurity considerations, from local laws to new human and vendor risks. 

Addressing these proactively enables organisations to scale securely and with complete peace of mind. With proper vigilance, foreign markets offer more growth upside than downside.

Happy smiling diverse colleagues executives team two professional managers looking at laptop

6 Different Ways to Track Project Progress as a New Manager

Starting a new role as a manager can be a daunting undertaking. An effective manager of a team must wear several hats: leader, coordinator, team developer, administrator, and motivator. Regardless of your position and scope, you will need to display several key skills, from organization and time management to decisiveness and communication.

Your role as manager will involve not only overseeing your team but also ensuring that the projects under your supervision run smoothly and meet their goals. To this end, your ability to track project progress is paramount. By keeping a close eye on the progress of your projects, you can identify potential bottlenecks, address issues, and make adjustments to keep everything on track.

These six different ways to track project progress will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge you need to ensure that you steer and deliver projects successfully.


1. Create Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is the cornerstone of successfully tracking the progress of your project. Utilizing the SMART framework is the most effective way of achieving this. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Specific goals are well-defined and unambiguous. Measurable goals establish the criteria for assessing progress. Achievable goals are realistic and attainable. Relevant goals are aligned with the project’s objectives. Time-bound goals determine clear timeframes for completion.

By applying the SMART framework when setting goals, you provide your team with a clear roadmap to achieving the successful outcome of a project. This will also enable you to accurately assess the project’s efficacy and progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure alignment with its ultimate objectives. 


2. Use Project Management Software

One of the enormous benefits of living in the digital age is your access to technology. In this case, project management software. This is invaluable to you as a new manager. There are a variety of options available, from comprehensive platforms such as Asana, Basecamp, Trello, or Microsoft Project to simplified tools like Gantt charts and Kanban boards. 

Project management software gives you a bird’s eye view of the overall project’s progress in real time. It enables you to keep tabs on every aspect of your project, from task assignments to timelines and resource allocation. These tools facilitate informed decision-making and enable you to adapt quickly to the project’s ever-evolving requirements.   


3. Set And Track Milestones

As the term suggests, milestones are significant events or achievements within a project, such as the completion of a critical phase, delivery of a key component, or a major project review.

Setting and tracking milestones will provide you with a strategic approach to breaking down the project into manageable pieces and assessing progress at pivotal stages.

Milestones will offer your team a clear and actionable path and allow them to see progress and success markers like road signs along the project’s journey, showing the team that they are heading in the right direction.

Milestones will give you the opportunity to celebrate achievements and motivate your team while also enabling you to assess whether the project is on schedule and identify areas where adjustments might be necessary.


4. Monitor Key Metrics

Identifying key metrics that are specific to your project provides valuable insights into its progress. They act like a compass, affording you critical insight into how well the project is performing. These metrics might include tasks completed, time spent, resource utilization, and budget spent.

The primary benefit of metrics is that they provide data. Monitoring these metrics periodically will allow you to detect areas that require improvement or attention. You may discover a skills gap in your marketing team and need to hire an SEO expert to address this, or you could determine that you’re fast approaching your budget cap and need to rethink your expenditure.

Having accurate, up-to-date metrics will ensure that you don’t make decisions blindly that could impact the overall outcome. Instead, your decisions will be data-driven and have a solid basis to work from.


5. Assess And Mitigate Risk

Project progress tracking must extend beyond measuring successes. The reality is that risk is commonplace in the complex landscape of project management. You will need to identify and address these potential risks and obstacles if you are to track a project successfully.

By initiating and executing a risk assessment process, you will be able to stay ahead of potential issues and prevent them from derailing your project.

A successful risk assessment undertaking involves three preliminary steps.

  1. Analyze the project to identify potential risks
  2. Gauge their impact on the project
  3. Assess the likelihood of the risk occurring

Having completed this analysis, prioritize which risks to focus on.

Once you have established the identity, impact, and likelihood of a risk occurring, you will need to create a risk mitigation plan that outlines how you will manage each risk if it materializes. You will also need to continuously monitor and update this plan so that you can take proactive measures to keep your project on track, even in the face of unexpected problems.


6. Hold Regular Team Meetings

As a manager, your ability to communicate effectively with your team will be key to you successfully managing any project, so it is vital to keep the channels of communication open. Holding daily or weekly team meetings is a powerful way for you to track project progress. This ensures that your team stays on the same page and is aligned with the project’s objectives.

Team meetings foster a sense of ownership and accountability. They afford your team the opportunity to provide updates on their assigned tasks, discuss challenges or roadblocks they may be facing, and brainstorm solutions collectively.

These meetings will also facilitate your ability to assess whether the project is adhering to the established milestones, allocate resources as needed, and address potential issues before they escalate.


The Bottom Line

As a new manager, your ability to successfully track the progress of a project will be a critical skill. By setting clear and measurable goals, leveraging project management software, monitoring key metrics, tracking milestones, addressing risks, and convening regular team meetings, you will go a long way to ensuring that your project remains on course and aligns with its principal objectives.

Effective project progress tracking will enhance your team’s performance and substantially improve the odds of successfully completing any project. By adhering to and mastering these six ways to track project progress, you will boost productivity, meet deadlines, and achieve desired outcomes consistently. This will boost your capabilities and confidence in navigating the world of business project management.