Issue 4 2021

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 4 2021 7 Actionplus Foundation : “Take ActionNow” This is no mean feat for an organisation that, despite its laudable and pioneering work in BAME communities across the UK, has received very little public funding. Apostle Fred, its visionary leader, said: “In the 24 years we have been doing this work, we have only been funded on two occasions by the Big Lottery fund – even though we have applied every year.” The Actionplus founder and CEO says he is clueless as to why their charity has not been “lucky” with the National Lottery community fund, which supports charitable causes across the UK. He is, however, optimistic that they can find partners and supporters who can help them deliver their lifesaving and life- enhancing projects across the UK and internationally: “We know we are doing good work, and the community knows it. And the Almighty knows it too. That is why He has been supporting us. We trust in him always. And we are hopeful that the Lottery fund will see the light one day. In the meantime, we are soldiering on.” The Actionplus model is one that is truly inspiring in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and support. And the response of benefactors and community members have also inspired new initiatives and campaigns led by Fred, who is now widely regarded as a leading advocate of HIV prevention, and is regularly interviewed on radio and television, and invited to speak at conferences and events. Actionplus has led a revolution that is removing ignorance, stigma and fear in the church and in local communities as a whole. Thanks to the work of Fred Annin and his organisation, pastors and church members alike are part of a global community that is empowered to spread the word about HIV/AIDS prevention and intervention through a message of compassion and God’s love. Contact: Fred Annin Company: Action Plus Foundation Web Address Email: [email protected] At the 20th Anniversary celebration for Actionplus at the House of Commons, flanked by his local MP Neil Coyle (left), Southwark Councillor Sunny Lambe (right), and the Deputy Ghana High Commissioner to UK Her Excellency Mrs Rita Tani Iddi (far right)