Issue 2 2024

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 2 2024 7 what is it that has spurred him on in this mission to lead a team towards doing their best across the board? He tells us, “humbly coming to terms with the immeasurable value in my unique vision of the world, in my hopefully optimistic vision for people and my impossibly ambitious vision for our product has unlocked my confidence to lead with clarity and conviction.” Josh continues, “being really clear on where I’m strong, however uncomfortable that might be to embrace, and where I’m weak, which is easier for me, helps me leverage the strength of others.” This is something that is being worked on continuously by Josh and looking ahead to the next 12 months of not only Givecloud but his own career, there is an emphasis on learning and improving, with Josh seeking to empower those around him to eventually outshine him, fostering a bright future for nonprofits and Givecloud alike. Moreover, as Josh has discovered over the course of his career, it is vital to seek out entrepreneurs who fully understand the value of a techenabled business strategy, and he has been blessed to have a had the opportunity to work alongside such firms, as well as honing his personal development by working closely with his faith community. It was his wife that inspired Josh Bloomfield to start his own business, suggesting he focus on helping an entirely ill-resourced market apart from just one illresourced entrepreneur at a time. Building off of the network he had formed and the knowledge he had, this would be no easy feat and no overnight task. Today, Josh seeks to embody the same “slow and steady wins the race attitude” that has been there since the beginning when this idea was planted. Even as it expands, Givecloud remains, “focused on values; focused on making the world a better place; [and finally] focused on seeing others flourish. Contact Details Contact: Josh Bloomfield Company: Givecloud Web Address: