Issue 12 2021

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 12 2021 7 carriers, FMOs, IMOs and associations. Earlier this year, Advisorist® partnered with Broadridge Advisor Solutions to host the industry’s largest virtual gathering of insurance and financial advisors in history. In total, more than 10,000 advisors registered for the free event, which was hosted as a giveback to the industry. Each Wednesday at noon, Advisorist hosts its own financial masterclass. More than 5,000 advisors are registered for the weekly Virtual Advisor Power Hour, which includes interviews and hands-on training. In the last six months of 2020 alone, Power Hour attendees generated $3.1 million in commissions and brought in $76 million in new assets under management (AUM) just from the free training they’ve received from the Advisorist team. By the time 2021’s numbers are tallied, The Financial AdvisorWhisperer important factors to running a successful remote team or virtual business. His team uses a clear set of core values to stay focused. More than simply platitudes, these values are a standard to which the Advisorist team holds themselves. “Jeremiah embodies a management style that requires you to get really good at serving at the highest levels of with our core values: Team (Every Brain In The Game), self (Radical Resilience) and others (Force For Good). His impact as CEO has sparked a hunger to solve hard problems in an industry breeding disruption.” Latesha Burroughs, Chief Revenue Officer, Advisorist Working virtually has proven to be a major boon for Jeremiah and his team, developing a culture of results as opposed to presence. His team of self- organized and driven people push each other every day. With no physical office space to unite them, the decision was made from the start to create a strong virtual presence and sense of togetherness. This is done using a variety of tools and platforms, including Zoom and Slack. While Desmarais believes in failing fast and constantly “iterating to great,” he’s also intentional and calculated. He regularly meets with Advisorist’s own in-house organizational psychologist to look for ways to better develop a united team. A Culture of Winning Desmarais’ elite training programs have made an enormous difference to thousands of insurance and financial advisors around the globe. In total, his systems have helped advisors generate over 62 million leads in more than 51 countries to the tune of $300 million in sales and commissions. Each day, Advisorist’s clients successfully start 328 conversations with qualified prospects, many of whom book appointments directly to their calendars using largely automated, hands-off systems. The Advisorist team currently consists of 22 individuals working across 7 different countries. Working internationally has allowed Desmarais to tap into the best talent in the industry, regardless of where they live. It has also opened up exciting new avenues, which the competition simply cannot match. As time has gone on, Desmarais’ ambitious attitude and genuine desire to be a force for good in his personal life and business has led to the respect and support of several major insurance and financial “Jeremiah embodies amanagement style that requires you to get really good at serving at the highest levels of with our core values: Team (Every Brain In The Game), self (Radical Resilience) and others (Force For Good). His impact as CEOhas sparked a hunger to solve hard problems in an industry breeding disruption.” Latesha Burroughs, Chief Revenue Officer, Advisorist “Despite being a virtual teamwhere most of us have never met in person before, there’s a deep sense of purpose. I think that speaks to the fact that every single teammember has a clear understanding of what themission of the company is. Being a “force for good” isn’t just something we talk about – it’s somethingwe each personally believe in. Thatmakes it a lot easier to showup each day engaged, and focused.” – Sky Richardson, Senior Content Strategist, Advisorist it will likely be five to six-times that amount. Desmarais isn’t interested in “selling” advisors. At Advisorist, the goal is to help advisors find the right systems and solutions to grow their businesses and take more time off so that they can do their own part in being a force for good for their clients, families, and communities. Whether it’s the Virtual Advisor Power Hour, or one of the company’s industry-leading programs, it always comes back to being a force for good. What’s Next for Advisorist®? Now, more than ever, there’s an immense need for virtual businesses. And the future looks bright for Desmarais and his team at Advisorist. Desmarais doesn’t just lead his own remote team – he’s actively leading the charge in helping thousands of advisors build their own virtual appointment engines so that they can grow a lifestyle business on their own terms. At CEO Monthly, we acknowledge Jeremiah Desmarais’ leadership and celebrate his tremendous success. We look forward to seeing where the next shift takes Advisorist®. Company: Advisorist® Name: Jeremiah D. Desmarais Email: [email protected] Web Address: “I’vemade$43,000 in less than30days and average 15appts aweek usingAdvisorist.” - RalphGale, GrandRapids,MI "I'mnowmeeting with about 7 high net worth doctors a week with their system." - Nick Davidson, Rochester-Austin, Minnesota