2018 Global CEO Excellence Awards

26 CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2018 , GCE18025 Hereford Films is one of the UK’s leading independent filmproduction companies producing around four-sixmovies per year for both the domestic and international home entertainment markets. We spoke to CEO Jonathan Sothcott to find out more. Most Innovative Film Production CEO 2018 - UK Hereford Films is an established, prolific independent film production company based in London, with a reputation for ambitious, unapologetically commercial genre movies which excite audiences all over the world and have sold in excess of one million DVDs. In addition, Hereford has embraced the recent advances in distribution platforms and its films are popular staples of digital and VOD programming. Jonathan provides us with an insight into the firm and how he as CEO drives it to success. “At Hereford Films, our films are high-concept, unashamedly commercial and very successful. Over the years, I have personally worked with a number of international stars including Jason Statham, Mark Hamill, Ray Winstone, Peter Capaldi, Sir Roger Moore and Richard E Grant as well as most of the major Studios including Universal, Sony, Lionsgate and eOne, and my films have sold well over a million DVDs. As such, I draw on this experience to drive Hereford Films to success. Alongside our film business, we also have a new publishing division, Hereford Books, which publishes tie-in novelisations and ‘expanded universe’ material based on our IP. We have also recently launched Hereford Television and are developing a lot of material as well as currently prepping a pilot for a true crime show. These developments provide me with an exciting chance to use my expertise to drive us to even further innovation and excellence.” With the future stretched out ahead of him, Jonathan has ambitious plans to drive his firm even further, as he proudly concludes. “Ultimately, my aim is to drive Hereford Films to be the UK’s number 1 independent film and television production company, as synonymous with quality genre films as Hammer was in the 1960s. Our next big release in the UK is The Krays – Dead Man Walking and we are planning a follow up to shoot later this year. We are also planning a third film in our popular We Still Kill The Old Way Franchise, and our first American film, a horror called Aura is released by Sony in the US in August. To build upon this success, I would like to get our productivity up and make eight to ten films per year, here and in the USA, and this will be my aim over the coming years.” Company: Hereford Films Contact: Jonathan Sothcott Address: Hammer House, 113-117 Wardour Street, London, W1F 0UN, UK Website: www.Hereford.Film

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