2018 Global CEO Excellence Awards

20 CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2018 , GCE18019 Benestar Group supports a wide range of organisations and provides preventative, proactive and reactive support and services. CEOMichele Grow explores the vital work the firm undertakes and how she has helped the firm to drive success in this crucial sector. Motivational Speaker of the Year 2018 - Australia For 30 years, Benestar has championed the unlimited potential of good health and has demonstrated the clear link to great performance. Now, it is the first company to pioneer an ecosystem of health services curated for the modern world, as Michele highlights. “Benestar Group is the leading provider of health and wellbeing services in the Asia Pacific region and we support more than 2,000 organisations in 43 countries across every industry sector. We provide support for approximately 2.4 million employees and their family members as well as delivering services to support organisations. We are a 24/7 operation which requires tight operational management and a highly committed professional team. Our team help people when they need us the most and it is a highly motivating environment to be part of. “Every project or customer or contract is different and taking time to really understand what is needed is important. Taking the time to really understand the needs of the customer, or the project, and to ensure we are ready to deliver to that. Investing time to understand and explore, as well as time to share ideas and consider alternatives are valuable and often lead to better solutions or approaches. Last, but not least, keeping a clear communication flow throughout and being open about progress will ensure a great outcome for everyone.” This supportive, collaborative approach helps the group to achieve its core mission, which Michele outlines in detail for us. “Our underlying philosophy is to help individuals take greater accountability for their own health and wellbeing and everything we do is about support that. Whether it is providing innovative self-help content and services, providing engaging education, coaching for success or providing support in times of need – we’re here to help people be the best they can be, at work and in life.” Drawing on her past business and consulting experiences have helped Michele drive the firm to the success it enjoys today. “I joined Benestar Group in 2002 when the industry was much smaller and have enjoyed introducing change and innovation, not just for our own business, but for the industry more broadly. While every role and organisation is different, my previous experience in business leadership, coaching and consulting have all been beneficial in helping me to define a strong purpose, to drive change where needed, and to not be afraid of pushing the boundaries. “One of the more pleasurable aspects of my role is engaging groups to think about their own health, as well as the health of their colleagues, family, and workplace and to make real change as a result. I’m delighted to have been recognised as the Motivational Speaker of the Year based on the events and forums I conduct. It is always a privilege to be able to help individuals understand and embrace the many topics relating to individual and workplace health, safety and wellbeing. Their interest in the topics motivates me to give them a great experience.” “Benestar Group has been an industry leader for many years and has been the first to introduce a wide range of new services and initiatives, and we’re planning to continue doing this over the years to come. As the world we live in changes, we need to ensure we are helping individuals to navigate that in a healthy and meaningful way.” Company: Benestar Group Contact: Michele Grow Address: Level 3, 44 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Telephone: +61 418 210 875 Web Address: www.benestar.com

http://www.benestar.com/ http://www.biz-guard.com/ http://www.itag-us.com/ http://www.lime-source.com/ http://www.twnonline.com/ http://www.virtualarts.co.uk/