2018 Global CEO Excellence Awards

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2018 19 , GCE18014 Virtual Reality CEO of the Year 2018 - UK Established in 2016, Virtual Arts is a mobile XR software technology company. We profiled the firm and their CEO, Nizar Romdan following his success in CEO Monthly’s Global CEO Excellence Awards. Founded in 2016 with AR, VR and MR in mind, Virtual Arts’ vision is a world where everyone has easy access to high quality immersive content. The firm are developing software technology for these emerging markets and believe in developing their own content as well as working with partners to deliver bespoke solutions. Virtual Arts have a history of pushing the boundaries of mobile technology with a team of veterans from Arm, Disney, Sony and other industry leading companies. Previously at Arm, the world’s leading semiconductor IP company, Nizar held the position of Director of Ecosystems. Leading the team who helped the industry optimise software for mobile architecture. Nizar started Virtual Arts together with his Co-founder, Doug Day, CTO, to build on this experience and lead the technology which will enable software developers to create content for the XR markets; using their knowledge of underlying mobile architecture and experience from over the 10 years he was at Arm. When discussing his win, Nizar highlights what it means to receive this recognition and what he attributes his success to. “It’s a great honour to receive the award, building Virtual Arts alongside a terrific team has been key to our success. Working with the team at Virtual Arts is a true pleasure and a valuable asset to the business.” At Virtual Arts, they want to see the XR markets thrive, the firm know there are creative minds just waiting to be given the tools they need to create amazing, immersive content. In Education, they can see the learning of children right up to University students being aided massively by remote learning, virtual presence and interactive experiences using the mediums of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Within Healthcare, lives can be saved through giving surgeons the ability to train in a whole new way. Looking ahead, Nizar and the team see XR devices becoming more available to the masses. Creating quality content and allowing others to do the same with the most optimal tools will be key to giving users experiences like never before. Virtual Arts creates content for XR and their content creation tools will deliver the fast and efficient workflow, which is required to help developers be more productive and reach the highest quality experiences. Contact: Nizar Romdan Company: Virtual Arts Ltd Web Address: www.virtualarts.co.uk

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