Issue 3 2021

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 3 2021 7 Commitment to Connection Drives Success for Intelligent Contacts hundreds of employees, from centralized offices to a “work from home” setting in just a two- week period. Quite remarkably, 100% of clients forced to make this rapid transition managed to hold firm and steady throughout 2020, and many clients set new revenue performance records. Jeff Mains specific role was working with client CEOs and executives in helping them rethink and pivot their businesses to meet the changing needs within this new reality. Remaining agile and raising the level of engagement rather than retreating was the path to success, and Mains helped his clients find that. Mains also knows a thing or two about sharing a message in a way that is accessible. In his bestselling book Small Fish Big Pond: Building a World Class Business That Swims Circles Around Competitors , Mains describes how markets are always in motion. Disruption is both fluid and inevitable. To prepare for this flux, Mains stresses the importance of always engineering the business for speed and agility. A company optimized for speed and agility can anticipate a disruption in the market and move quickly to capitalize on it. Or, quickly pivot to lessen its impact. Undoubtedly, the biggest impact in 2020 was the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused many companies to look inwards at themselves. It was at the onset of the pandemic that Intelligent Contacts made the proactive decision to reach out to its clients and offer its help as a cloud- based contact center software company that cared about its’ clients and was already built with the speed and agility to help them adapt. In addition, Mains helped other CEO’s rethink their business models, leverage the resources they had, and redeploy those resources to serve existing markets in a new way. The challenges brought on by 2020 confirmed how critical it is to stay close with clients, especially during times of crisis. This experience proved once again that the most valuable type of capital in existence is r elational capital . Revenue may go up and down, but trust is a commodity that never loses its value. Mains discovered, in a fresh way, that his clients at Intelligent Contacts count on them for more than just great software. They look to IC for solutions, and they want a business partner who will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them to provide hope and certainty when the world seems to be crumbling around them. Then, at other times, to be ready with innovative ideas that create unseen opportunities and drive greater levels of business success. None of this is possible without meaningful connections, proactive engagement, and taking time to deeply listen and understand what a client is saying. Mains is more than an exceptional CEO; he is someone that understands the humanity of business and has built his own business to serve its clients consistently and whole-heartedly. Company: Intelligent Contacts Contact: Jeff Mains Website: