CEO Monthly Issue 3 2019

24 CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 3 2019 , The companymakes a commitment to Paradigm for Parity ® and is recognized by the National Association for Female Executives Diageo North America Continues its Commitment to Inclusion and Parity In time to celebrate International Women’s Day, Diageo North America, a global leader in beverage alcohol, in partnership with the Paradigm for Parity® coalition, announced its commitment to achieving gender parity throughout its corporate leadership structure by 2030. “At Diageo, we are particularly proud to be leading on change in this space by taking proactive steps in order to curb workplace inequality,” said Deirdre Mahlan, President, Diageo North America. “We look forward to working with the coalition and the other companies that have joined the movement to accelerate the pace of achieving gender parity.” Diageo offers a variety of flexible working arrangements including job share, flextime, compressed hours and opportunities to work from home and a newly expanded Parental Leave Policy, which doubled the time off for both parents, making for a more inclusive, more generous child- bonding policy. “The Paradigm for Parity® 5-Point Action Plan enables companies to not just talk, but to evaluate data and measurements to give women equal power, status and opportunities in the workplace,” said Ellen Kullman, a co-chair of the Paradigm for Parity® coalition and the former President and CEO of DuPont. In addition, Diageo North America has been named one of the 2019 NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women by the National Association of Female Executives (NAFE). NAFE and Working Mother continue to explore the importance of gender parity in senior leadership roles. The full report on this year’s winners is listed here. “In 2019, a woman’s journey up the corporate ladder still differs from a man’s, but the Top Companies stand out in their application of remedies,” says NAFE president Dr. Betty Spence. “They are models of how to progressively move women into senior roles, as reflected in their strong representation in the leadership ranks.” This commitment to from Paradigm for Parity and recognitions from NAFE are part of a growing list of awards Diageo’s business has earned for its commitment to inclusion and diversity. Additional recent honors include: 2019 – Diageo named in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 2018 – Diageo received a perfect score of 100% on the Corporate Equality Index, as administered by the Human Rights Campaign, for the 10th consecutive year 2018 – Diageo ranked fourth in the Thomson Reuters Diversity & Inclusion Index 2018 – Diageo received the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Award 2018 – Diageo was the first beverage alcohol company to sign the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion 2018 – Diageo North America was named to Diversity MBA’s “50 Out Front for Diversity Leadership” 2018 – A division of Working Mother Media, Diversity Best Practices, recognized Diageo North America as part of their second annual inclusion index 2018 – Diageo named one of Working Mother Magazine’s “100 Best Companies” for the tenth consecutive year