Female CEO of the Year Awards 2023

CEO MONTHLY / Female CEO of the Year 2023 23 Nov23169 Active in both the Austrian and wider European market, Econmove GmbH has been built upon the core characteristics of innovative research methods and exceptional human resource skills, with the firm actively networking with both up and downstream institutions across the research, education, and political consulting spheres. Throughout its research, there has been a particular emphasis on creating satellite accounts, with these having broken new ground in sport, lightweight construction, and the forest and timber industry. Retaining its political independence, the company is proud to earn its money from project-based work, with its typical customer base comprising both public bodies and professional associations. Founded in August 2020, Econmove GmbH is a highly specialised company that focuses on research, teaching, and providing policy advice to those operating in the field of economics, particularly relating to the region, energy and mobility sectors, and sports. By using such advanced methods as input/output tables that span multiple regions and satellite accounts that operate on regional, national, and even international levels, the economic portfolios of clients are continuously updated and bolstered by state-of-the-art technology. Leading the charge is CEO and awardee Dr. Anna Kleissner, whose two decades of experience operating in various institutions across Austria have uniquely positioned her at the forefront of the sector. We catch up with Anna to learn more about her career and experiences navigating this maledominated industry. Managing Director Dr. Anna Kleissner established the company following her 20 years working as a researcher, managing director, and board member for a host of research bodies and organisations across Austria, and throughout her two decades operating in the sector, has witnessed firsthand an increase in women making waves in the industry. As she explains, however, “the number of women in management positions in economic research is still too low. Depending on the specific research topic, […] there are major differences, and some areas are still heavily male dominated.” Starting out in the industry at just 22 years old as a junior researcher shortly after graduating, Anna was often addressed as a secretary rather than her true role during meetings. Determined not to let this get her down, Anna continuously shone with her knowledge and expertise, burying her insecurities and nervousness and always going that extra metre or two when it was required of her, confident that her efforts would pay off in the long term. Her role today proves that they did, and Anna puts a great deal of this down to the importance of forging lasting contacts and networking with others in the industry, something she wholeheartedly recommends other young female researchers to do. With this to boot, it was not long before Anna had earned the opportunities to prove herself in management settings, which pushed her out of her comfort zone but afforded her the necessary skills and experience to eventually take the leap into self-employment. This transition was incredibly difficult, especially since the economic research sector is dominated by large and often impersonal research institutions. Anna nevertheless overcame the odds and has successfully proven herself as proficient in exploring new avenues of economic research across Austria and beyond into the wider European market. Committed to helping other women achieve likeminded success, Anna has been a proud member of Klagenfurt’s Businesswomen Centre for several years now, with this platform enabling women to come together to educate, inspire, and empower each other. Similar steps have been taken in Econmove, where Anna has taken the steps to, “make the workplace particularly attractive for young women.” This serves as just one example of the company’s commitment to its employees, and as 2024 begins, there are plenty of projects being undertaken by the team across Europe, particularly in the forestry and timber industry, as well as surrounding the area of lightweight construction. Looking forward in her own career, Anna is currently working towards habilitation, something she has decided to aim for after spending more than a decade teaching at various universities across Austria. Anna finds teaching to be fun and an excellent way to scope out new talent at an early stage in their journeys, and she also partakes in voluntary work for the Bundes Sport GmbH and the EU task force on harmonising sport statistics. Finally, Anna and a valued colleague are ecstatic to have recently established the Institute for Austrian Economy, with this project focusing strongly on Austrian research topics. As Dr. Anna Kleissner states in closing, “the course has been set and should be maintained.” Contact: Dr. Anna Kleissner Company: Econmove GmbH Web Address: www.econmove.at Most Influential Economic Research CEO 2023 (Austria): Anna Kleissner