CEO 100 2021

CEO MONTHLY / CEO 100 65 CEO M NTHLY / ISSU 6 2 19 7 Offering Unrivalled Insight into Employee Wellbeing: The Driver of Long-Term Business Success into next year, as they look to develop and expand on its unrivalled employee insight. “ By implementing Wraw within a Wellbeing programme, organisations can gain tangible insights into how employees feel about themselves, their working environment, their contribution, their physical and mental health and the huge impact it has on their ability to thrive and consistently perform to a high level at work. We may not be able to control the macro environment we operate in, but we can certainly control how we respond internally to the challenges we face. ” Finally, Sam takes a moment to discuss the importance of The Wellbeing Project’s team in their successes, both recent – in the form of their recognition by CEO Monthly - and historic. “ Our employees and associates are our business. We are proud of our team, who care greatly about our clients and their outcomes, who are dedicated, focused, professional and knowledgeable. With exec coaches, business consultants, doctors, business psychologists, specialist wellbeing trainers and facilitators (e.g. nutritionists or mindfulness experts) on board, along with our really important support teams, we all share a common goal – putting wellbeing at the heart of every business. ” Website: Telephone: +44 0800 0856899