EU Business News Q2 2018
EU BUSINESS NEWS / Q2 2018 13 Technology Business Management Council Introduces European TBM Executive Committee g understanding of TBM even more.” European demand for TBM isn’t specific to an industry sector or geography, all organisations can benefit from a framework that helps IT leaders communicate the business value of technology investments. The increasing use of public cloud and AI as components of progressively more agile business practices increases the complexity and quantity of business requirements placed on CIOs and their teams. The ETEC will specifically address these challenges and work to provide TBM Council members with standards and education that help to connect technology investments to multi-dimensional business value. “TBM has made a significant impact on the value our IT team provides the business,” said Jennifer Wood, Head of Performance and Business Management, Royal Bank of Scotland, and TBM Council ETEC Member. “TBM has given Royal Bank of Scotland visibility into our IT spend, and ensured we have the right resources and capabilities in place globally to deliver technology services that support innovation and broader digital transformation initiatives.” The TBM Council Board of Directors currently includes Chris Pick, Founder and Apptio CMO, Council Chairman Anil Cheriyan and former CIO of SunTrust, and business leaders from leading organisations such as Aflac, StateFarm, Tyson, Intuit, First American and more. TBM Council membership is open to qualified IT, finance or business leaders and practitioners who meet applicable membership standards. For more information or to join, please visit
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