2025 Most Influential CEO Awards Packages

www.ceo-review.com Introduction • Listing in our online, SEO-optimised directory • Your name, company name, award title, website & 100-word (500 char.) blurb • Rights to promote the awarded title on your channels Since its inception in 2017, CEO Monthly Magazine has been committed to celebrating outstanding leadership, adapting its vision to reflect the evolving definition of what makes a great leader. Today’s CEOs navigate diverse teams and complex workspaces, requiring a blend of adaptability, emotional intelligence and strategic vision. Their influence extends beyond decision-making, shaping the culture, performance and direction of their organisations. Hand-picked by our very own in-house research team, recipients of these prestigious awards can rest assured that they have been identified based on merit alone using pre-defined criteria. We consider how influence impacts the organisation’s strategy, performance, consistency, adaptability, communication, forward planning, emotional intelligence, and culture and values; we look to celebrate CEOs who consistently show noteworthy leadership qualities, which are lived and breathed through their organisations. Those who go on to be successful are provided with a great range of marketing tools to help them capitalise on their win; ranging from no-cost brand visibility on our website, to dedicated editorial profiles within our digital magazine and personalised branded materials to help promote the achievement further. We take pride in our policy that irrespective of budget, our awards provide our winners with a chance to promote themselves across our network and theirs, we can help to increase the size of their digital footprint and to stand out in a competitive arena. The Complimentary Package - Free of Charge The Essential Package 795 GBP • Full page editorial profile in the next edition of CEO Monthly (700-850 words) • 1 x Bespoke physical glass trophy • Personalised digital badge logo for your socials • High-resolution PDF copy of your inclusion • + complimentary listing