2018 Global CEO Excellence Awards

28 CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2018 , GCE18036 Health Tech CEO of the Year - South East USA & Best Infection Prevention Technology Company - USA Seal Shield is a Florida based infection control specialist that develops innovative solutions. We invited CEO BradleyWhitchurch to share an intriguing insight into the firmand the vital work it undertakes to keep people safe. Following its inception in 2006, Seal Shield has achieved incredible success, and today the firm is a world leader in infection control technology. Bradley discusses the firm’s innovative solutions and how these save lives. “Here at Seal Shield our focus is to prevent infection and save live. Many people do not realize that every year, in the United States alone, there are two million victims of hospital acquired infections. Of those, close to 100,000 people die every year from an infection they contracted in a US hospital. To prevent this, Seal Shields develops, manufactures and markets products to help combat the spread of dangerous infections. Our products include washable and antimicrobial keyboards and mice, antimicrobial screen protectors and UV sterilization systems for mobile devices which we sell to hospitals to prevent hospital acquired infections.” As Founder and CEO, Bradley is responsible for leading Seal Shield to success, and influencing its corporate culture. He explores how he draws on his previous experience to support his team and help them to undertake their life-saving work. “Prior to founding Seal Shield, I spent my career in IT Sales and Marketing. That background and the relationships I have made throughout my career have been a key factor in the success of Seal Shield today. I also gained a strong insight into corporate leadership, and today, at seal shield, i am incredibly proud of our ownership thinking culture. All employees have an ownership stake in the company through stock options and profit sharing. We have an exceptionally rich benefits plan which includes full coverage, zero-out-of-pocket healthcare insurance, and life insurance. “To support our staff and ensure excellence, the company offers a generous PTO and maternity plan in order to attract the best talent to the organization. Every year, employees are given a 14-question corporate health survey where they rate management and the employees’ understanding of the short term and long term strategic plans. The second step of the survey is that all employees provide feedback on how the organization can improve in each of the survey areas. Annually, all employees participate in a corporate retreat on a luxury Caribbean cruise, where we invite guest speakers to present best practices to the organization that we can implement to make ourselves better. This supportive approach ensures that they are always dedicated and able to undertake their roles to the best of their abilities.” Thanks to Seal Shield’s success over the past 12 years, looking ahead Bradley is optimistic that the firm can continue to prosper over the years to come, as he concludes. “Within the infection control space currently, the increasing occurrence of super bugs has led to the inevitable need for new solutions to combat dangerous pathogens. Seal Shield will continue to be a leader in solutions that combat these infectious pathogens. “Longer term, we intend to grow Seal Shield to be the world leader in infection prevention technology. We will achieve this by investing in R&D to develop new solutions for infection prevention, as well as seek out partnerships and acquisition opportunities that further our mission of solving the issue of hospital acquired infections. This will help us to achieve our goal and remain committed to saving the lives of our product-users.” Company: Seal Shield Contact: Bradley Whitchurch Address: 315 East Robinson Street, Suite 500, Orlando, Florida, 32801, USA Phone: 877-325-7443 Website: www.sealshield.com

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