2018 Global CEO Excellence Awards Packages

Alpha A Package • Main front cover image and headline on the celebratory magazine • Four pages of dedicated content at the front-end of the magazine – approx. 3000 words • 5 crystal trophies • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke PDF certificate • 12-month clickable web banner advert in a prime position on the CEO Monthly homepage homepage • Six-page dedicated e-brochure - ideal for sharing with clients and available in hard copy • Bespoke press release • Article Frame - An exciting new addition designed to display your magazine inclusion, surrounded by a sophisticated frame in a double layered mounting CERTIFICATE This is toCertify: HasBeenNamed: CEOMONTHLY / GLOBALCEOEXCELLENCEAWARDS2017 43  A trulyground breakingproject, the GeminiWindPark is currentlyproducing about2.6TWh per yearandavoidingabout 1.25million tonsofCO2per year. Uniquely,Gemini isalsooneof the largesteverproject-financed windproject, financedbymore than25 commercialbankswith anoverall constructionbudget ofabout fi 2.8billion.Theproject isownedbya consortium, includingCanadian sustainable energyproducerNorthland Power (60%),wind turbine manufacturerSiemens (20%), marineengineering contractor VanOord (10%)andenergyand wastematerialsorganization HVC (10%). Responsible forensuring the safeandefficientoperationof the parkand liaisingwith contractors toensure that theparkachieves itsgoals,Matthias’s role is varied and requiresexperienceand dedication,asheexplains. “Personally, I joined theGemini WindProjectasChiefExecutive Officer in January2014.Prior tomy rolehere IwasChief OperatingOfficerat thewave energy companyAquamarine Power,duringwhich time Iwas anexecutivedirector responsible forall technicaland contractual/ commercial issueswithin the company. Ialso servedasnon- executivedirectorofOceanflow Energy,at tidalenergy company. Thisbroadexperiencehelpsme to succeed inmy current roleand electricityfor1.5millionpeople.Wespoke toCEOMatthiasHaag toexplore theparthehasplayed in thefirm’ssuccess. BestWindEnergyCompany -Europe ensureoperationalexcellence for theGeminiWindPark. “Sinceweareaproject specific companywedealmostlywith contractorsandprojectpartners. Agood set-upwith clear responsibilities from the start and the right teamwasessential tomakea large international projecta success,andas such Iamproudofwhat the team hasachievedandhowwell the project isnowoperating.” Looking to the future,Matthias is keen to share thewealthofhis knowledgeandexperienceand builduponhis current success, asheproudly concludes. “Moving forward, Iwould like continue learningand todo challengingwork,butalso start to sharemyexperienceswith youngerbusinesses,projects andpeople.This couldbe throughanon-executive role orbyproviding coaching to staffwithinandoutsideour ownbusiness.Therearemany optionsopenand Iamexcited to findoutwhat the futurehas in store.”Company:GeminiWind Park Address:Amstelveenseweg 760,1081 JK,Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone :0031207230000 WebAddress: www.geminiwindpark.nl Your Logo Here Your Award Title Here 2018 M&A AWARDS I I <<Award>> <<CompanyName>> is is toCertify: asBeenNa ed: r << Th t tif: : CERTIFICATE <<Award>> <<CompanyName>> This is toCertify: HasBeenNamed:
