How to Align Business Goals with WordPress Hosting: Key Strategies for Success

Aligning business goals with the appropriate WordPress hosting can be a game-changer for companies, large and small. WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems, offers flexibility and a wide range of options. However, for a business looking to maximize its online impact, choosing the right hosting solution is as crucial as the website design itself. Managed WordPress hosting can be particularly beneficial as it provides specialized services that optimize the performance of WordPress sites while giving business owners the peace of mind to focus on their core operations.

Selecting a WordPress hosting provider should be a decision that directly supports the business’s strategic objectives. Every company aims to garner a strong online presence, achieve higher search engine rankings, and ensure seamless user experiences. Managed WordPress hosting offers reliable uptime, enhanced security features, and superior technical support, which are vital for maintaining a professional online presence that aligns with business goals.

Understanding the relationship between business objectives and managed hosting features is key to making an informed choice. Whether it’s scaling for high traffic, requiring robust security for e-commerce transactions, or needing speedy content delivery networks, there’s a solution tailored to every business need. Engaging with a hosting provider that aligns with these goals will not only lead to a more robust online strategy but also contribute to achieving long-term business success.

Understanding WordPress Hosting

When aligning business goals with WordPress hosting, one must consider the various types of hosting available and the key features each type offers. It’s vital to match these offerings to the specific needs of a business to ensure a robust online presence.

Types of WordPress Hosting

Shared Hosting: This is the starting point for many small to medium-sized websites. In shared hosting, multiple sites are stored on a single server, sharing resources. It’s the most cost-effective option but can have limitations in terms of performance and scalability.

VPS Hosting: Standing for Virtual Private Server, VPS hosting provides a middle ground between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Websites on a VPS share a server but have dedicated portions of the server’s resources. This allows for better performance and more customization.

Managed WordPress Hosting: A service where all technical aspects of running WordPress are managed by the host. This includes security, speed, WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime, and scalability.

Dedicated Hosting: The most powerful and customizable option, dedicated hosting provides an entire server for a single website, offering maximum performance, security, and control.

Key Features of WordPress Hosting

Performance: Quality WordPress hosting ensures high-speed performance with features like caching, CDN integration, and optimized server configurations.

Security: Look for hosts offering comprehensive security measures including regular scanning for vulnerabilities, malware detection, and DDoS protection strategies.

Support: Reliable customer support is a must, ensuring help is available for troubleshooting, maintenance, and advice on best practices.

Uptime Guarantees: The best WordPress hosting services offer strong uptime guarantees, ensuring that your website remains accessible to users around the clock.

Selecting the right WordPress hosting type and features can significantly influence a business’s online success, making it a pivotal decision in aligning with business goals.

Aligning Business Goals

When aligning business goals with WordPress hosting, it’s crucial to ensure that the hosting service supports and enhances your strategic objectives. This aids in streamlining operations and ensuring that your digital presence aligns with your company’s vision.

Defining Business Objectives

Before selecting a WordPress hosting solution, one must first define clear business objectives. Objectives may include, but are not limited to:

  • Enhancing online visibility
  • Improving site performance and uptime
  • Securing sensitive customer data
  • Scaling resources in line with business growth

For instance, if the goal is to increase customer engagement, the hosting service should provide excellent uptime and swift load times to create a satisfactory user experience.

Evaluating Hosting Against Objectives

Evaluating potential WordPress hosting options involves matching hosting capabilities with predefined business objectives. Key factors to consider may include:

  • Performance: Hosts should offer robust servers and caching for fast page loading.
  • Scalability: As a business grows, so should the hosting plan, with options for upgrades and increased resources.
  • Security: Comprehensive security measures are a must to protect a business’s online assets and customer data.
  • Support: Reliable, around-the-clock customer support ensures that any issues are quickly resolved.

For businesses prioritizing rapid scaling, hosts offering quick resource allocation could be more aligned with their growth-related objectives.

Implementation Strategies

Effective implementation strategies are critical in ensuring that your WordPress hosting truly serves your business goals. Key elements to focus on include selecting an appropriate hosting plan and optimizing for performance – each step tailored to align with your business objectives.

Choosing the Right Hosting Plan

When selecting a hosting plan, businesses must consider their specific needs. A small blog with minimal traffic has vastly different requirements from a bustling e-commerce site. Hence, it’s important to:

  • Evaluate the scale of operations and choose a plan that can accommodate current and future traffic levels.
  • Look for providers offering scalable solutions that grow with your business, such as Managed WordPress Hosting.
  • Assess the support and maintenance services included, as these can significantly impact the efficiency of your business operations.

Performance Optimization

After choosing the right hosting plan, optimizing performance is paramount. Even the best strategies can falter if your site doesn’t load swiftly or handle user interactions smoothly. Attention should be given to:

  • Implementing caching solutions to speed up load times, ensuring a better user experience.
  • Regularly updating WordPress core, themes, and plugins to maintain security and performance.
  • Utilizing tools for image and content optimization to decrease page load times, which is essential for both SEO and user engagement.

Each step, from selecting hosting plans to performance tuning, should directly contribute to the overarching aim of advancing your business goals through a robust online presence.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Ensuring that business goals align with WordPress hosting involves diligent monitoring and maintenance. Through rigorous performance checks and timely scaling or upgrades, businesses can maintain a robust online presence.

Beyond the Sale: How A Kentucky House Buying CEO is Innovating the Real Estate Industry

When looking at groundbreaking industries, real estate doesn’t always spring to mind. However, in Kentucky, a new revolution is taking place spearheaded by one unassuming CEO who’s disrupting the status quo. Just like tech or finance, real estate too can be transformed, and Matt Rostosky, CEO of Cash Offer Kentucky, is leading the way.

The Revolutionary Kentucky CEO

Who would have thought that one individual could change a traditional industry like real estate? Think again. Meet Matt Rostosky; a visionary CEO who has an innovative approach to house-buying. Forget waiting for months to sell your home. With Cash Offer Kentucky, a streamlined process aims to close deals swiftly and efficiently.

What’s his secret? Unlike many other CEOs, Rostosky has reimagined archaic ways by bringing transparency to the heart of the business. His belief is that there shouldn’t be anything hidden from homeowners during the sale of their properties.

Beneath his charismatic demeanor and approachable personality also lies a savvy mind for business. Networks with top professionals and lifelong experience lend him a unique ability to foresee market trends in favor of homeowners.

Matt Rostosky, CEO of Cash Offer Kentucky says “Traditional ways of selling a home needed an overhaul. Why should homeowners suffer most? At Cash Offer Kentucky, we want them to gain from our nimble approach”.

Innovation in the Real Estate Industry

An industry ripe for innovation is evident with the steps taken by Rostosky and his company. With its revolutionized model, Cash Offer Kentucky directly purchases homes from owners without relying on buyers from open markets. Say goodbye to frustrating delays and inconsistent bids!

Thanks to technology integration, customers can now request a cash offer directly through their online platform. This streamlined process reduces the time taken for closing deals while upholding transparency throughout the sale. It’s an entirely unique method of dealing with real estate.

How about burgeoning repair costs? Cash Offer Kentucky takes it all in stride, buying homes as-is and removing the headache of renovation costs. This approach further speeds up sales, enabling homeowners to move faster towards their next aspirations.

A radical approach, yes, but beneficial for an industry that needs a wake-up call. Who says real estate can’t be dynamic!

Success Story of a House Buying CEO

The success story behind Cash Offer Kentucky doesn’t just dwell on innovation; it’s much more than that. It’s about restoring balance between homeowners and businesses. It’s about putting customer satisfaction at the forefront, ensuring they’re no longer secondary to hefty profits.

Sold over 500 properties since its inception! A feat only achievable through a keen-focused strategy employed by Matt Rostosky. And let’s not forget the rave reviews from satisfied customers who’ve had seamless experiences with the company.

This certainly isn’t just about numbers for the company; it’s about changing lives. By accelerating home sales and simplifying processes, they have empowered countless struggling homeowners, aiding them in challenging times creating wins on both sides of the table.

But Rostosky is far from done; his vision goes beyond his own company’s success. He hopes this new-age approach to property purchasing will herald a brighter future for all homeowners worldwide!

New Practices in Real Estate Business

What do these innovative methods mean for the real estate industry as we know it? What does a company like Cash Offer Kentucky imply for traditional giants who’ve reigned for decades? Simply put, it signifies change.

Bringing power back to homeowners may seem like a radical idea, especially in an industry built over years of ancient practices favoring businesses. But isn’t it about time we update our systems? This new wave led by Rostosky is not just innovative but also more humane.

We’re on the cusp of significant change. Matt’s infectious enthusiasm and commitment towards homeowners are steadily reshaping industry practices. By valuing clients over profits, he’s creating a template for other CEOs looking to break away from detrimental habits.

Rostosky’s practices have shaken up the industry so far, and his impact only promises to grow. Be prepared for new norms in real estate!

Influence on Real Estate Markets

Matt Rostosky’s innovative practices have sent ripples across the market, compelling others to rethink strategies. By nudging the real estate market in Kentucky towards a homeowner-centric approach, he’s moved an immovable industry.

This seismic shift reverberates beyond Kentucky, illustrating that no market is beyond transformation. Coupled with this revolutionary approach and the NAHB (National Association of Home Builders) reporting higher demand for single-family homes, we can foresee significant changes in real estate landscapes.

The steps taken by Cash Offer Kentucky serve as a beacon for markets worldwide, illuminating paths that lead to progressive practices benefiting both businesses and homeowners. As the influence of these methods grows, we can expect holistic shifts in ideologies reinforcing market structures.

After all, spurred innovation can spark ripple effects far more substantial than one could imagine. And in this case, the stalwart real estate market is due for noteworthy disruption!

Challenges Overcome in the Property Sector

In any traditional industry like real estate, you’ll find a multitude of legacy issues that resist change. But who dares to innovate if not the bold? Under Rostosky’s leadership, Cash Offer Kentucky has skillfully navigated age-old challenges.

Inefficiencies in open market transactions often created lengthy waits for homeowners eager to sell their properties. The uncertainty inherent in waiting for just the right buyer was a significant stumbling block. But taking matters into their hands, Cash Offer Kentucky eliminated the need for external buyers by purchasing properties directly from homeowners.

Ever had sleepless nights over repair costs before selling your house? Say goodbye to them. This innovative firm buys homes as-is, reducing the hassle of last-minute expensive renovations. They have turned potential pitfalls into opportunities, drastically shortening sale times and freeing homeowners from unexpected expenditures.

The antiquated perception that profitability lies in leaving homeowners in the dark has been effectively challenged by this progressive company. Asserting transparency as a business core value, they’ve fostered trust with their clients and displayed how openness can coexist with profitability.

Navigating the Complex Home-Buying Process

The real estate sector is widely known for its convolutions and complexities; sellers are often frustrated with labyrinthine processes that delay deals indefinitely. Here’s where Cash Offer Kentucky not only excels but also innovates.

Matt Rostosky’s readied approach to make this strenuous process more client-friendly is genuinely revolutionary. The integration of technology on their platform allows homeowners to request cash offers instantly—gone are days of complex documentation & undue delays.

The model followed by Cash Offer Kentucky simplifies the journey for homeowners while safeguarding their best interests. It cuts down on transaction times and ensures sellers know exactly what they’re getting.

In essence, this is democratizing real estate for homeowners—ushering in a new era where you can navigate the home selling voyage with much more peace of mind!

Transforming Traditional Real Estate Models

Tumultuous as it may seem, transforming old real estate models isn’t Herculean if matched with forward-thinking visionaries like Matt Rostosky. In his quest to change the status quo, he has introduced fresh perspectives that combat inefficiencies dominating the sector.

His approach isn’t simply modernizing old ways; it’s about completely rethinking how real estate functions. The property market stands on one key aspect – fairness. And who better to ensure that than someone who’s determined to shift power back to homeowners?

Via transforming Louisville KY, Matt illustrates that the real estate market needs a radical clean-up. His strategies are, without a doubt, compelling other players to rethink their old-fashioned practices and engage in fair practices instead.

Undeniably, this transformation is causing a seismic shift in the industry, posing significant threats to traditional models but opening up opportunities for progressive practices.

Impacts of Innovative Strategies

It’s no surprise that courageous innovations cause profound impacts. By shedding traditional ways and embracing novelties, Cash Offer Kentucky’s unique strategies have infused unprecedented dynamism into the real estate industry.

The homeowner-centric approach has painted a vivid picture of how businesses can thrive while championing customer interests. The power of this strategy isn’t confined solely to the satisfaction of homeowners but is also fueling more holistic business practices.

Furthermore, these decisive steps have stimulated greater confidence among sellers, promising quicker turnarounds and fair transactions—an essential aspect in an industry previously married with hesitations and distrust.

With such a robust framework of innovation at play here, the ripple effects can’t be underestimated. It’s prompting real estate titans to reassess their strategies and move towards more considerate and transparent practices.

Future Predictions in Real Estate Innovation

If we’re to gauge the future of real estate based on present initiations, it surely looks bright and brimming with opportunities! Matt Rostosky’s visionary drive and methods are indicators of industry-wide transformations brewing on the horizon.

Real estate models that have resisted change for centuries are now posed with challenges they can’t ignore. Homeowners’ empowered roles, technological advancements, simplified transactions – all these factors forecast a massive leap towards modernity in the sector.

This pioneering spirit doesn’t merely end within Kentucky; it serves as a trailblazer for worldwide markets. As more entities adopt similar homeowner-centric approaches, traditional practices will gradually Phase-out, fostering a balanced and equitable environment for both sellers and buyers.

Indeed, real estate innovation isn’t mere speculation; it’s a tangible reality ready to spark massive change in traditional landscapes!

A Resounding Conclusion

Matt Rostosky’s revolutionary practices have proven that transformative changes are not only possible but imminent in an industry as seemingly static as real estate. Revolutionaries like Matt, with their bold visions and innovative strategies, have undoubtedly started a chain of change that promises to shake up the industry for the better!

business woman with headache from workload and laptop deadline in office

The Hidden Cost of High-Performance Cultures: Understanding High-Functioning Anxiety in the Workplace

By Shamira Graham, Chief Commercial Officer at Onebright

High-functioning anxiety is a broad term for those who live with generalised anxiety disorder but identify as functioning reasonably well and, in some cases, extremely well. It is often overlooked due to its subtle presentation. It’s deceptively difficult to understand the condition as individuals with it typically look like they have a successful work and private life, however, below the surface of a perfect exterior, they are fighting a constant battle with anxiety.

High-performance cultural paradox 

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, the pursuit of excellence has birthed what many refer to as “high-performance cultures.” While aimed at driving success and outperforming competitors, this focus on achievement and results has inadvertently fostered environments ripe for the development of high-functioning anxiety among employees. 

The drive for unparalleled success, when coupled with the perception of an expectation to consistently outdo oneself and others, can transform a motivating workplace into a pressure cooker of stress and anxiety for some individuals. High-performance cultures, characterised by their  pursuit of productivity and results, often blur the lines between healthy ambition and unhealthly work environments and cultures. Employees find themselves highly worked, highly stressed, and perpetually striving for unattainable perfection.

Causes of high-functioning anxiety

The emergence of high-functioning anxiety in the workplace is multifaceted, stemming from a complex interplay of internal and external factors:

  • Clinical Perfectionism: High achievers often impose relentless pressure on themselves to excel, driven by a deep-seated fear of failure.
  • Workload and deadlines: Excessive workloads and tight deadlines contribute to a pervasive sense of being overwhelmed, fueling anxiety.
  • Work-life balance: The challenge of disconnecting from work exacerbates stress and anxiety, blurring the boundaries between professional and personal life.
  • Fear of negative judgment: Anxiety is magnified by the constant worry about how one is perceived by peers and superiors, leading to overthinking and self-doubt.

How symptoms of high-functioning anxiety may present:

At work

  • An individual may be the model employee: arriving to work earlier than everyone, impeccably dressed and has never missed a deadline or fallen short of a task 
  • Never taking time off, even in times of need or if they are sick
  • Fears of criticism or significant self-criticism
  • Fears of looking inadequate or foolish to others
  • Significant stress
  • Impossibly high standards that even when reached, don’t leave you feeling satisfied
  • Working long hours and always going above and beyond to make sure you don’t make an error

In personal life:

  • Controlling behaviour with strict routines and habits
  • Seeming busy all the time with a to-do list that never ends
  • Striving for perfection in every area of life
  • People pleasing others and inability to say no often resulting in full social calendars
  • Neglecting all other domains for work, an erosion of family time, exercise and social activities

Other symptoms:

  • Excessive worrying: An excessive stream of concerns about work, performance, and future projects, leading to persistent unease.
  • Perfectionism: A relentless pursuit of flawlessness, striving to meet demanding standards that are self-imposed and relentlessly pursued, despite causing problems driven by the fear of failure which paradoxically breeds more anxiety.
  • Delegation difficulties: A reluctance to delegate due to fears that others’ work will not meet their own stringent standards, thereby increasing their workload and stress levels.
  • Physical symptoms: Anxiety’s somatic manifestations include headaches, muscle tension, gastrointestinal issues, and sleep disturbances.

Employers should be wary of the symptoms and individuals prone to healthy amounts of work stress spiralling into constant anxiety. Although the idea of high-functioning anxiety seems like a perfect employee, it is important to remember that high-functioning anxiety works brilliantly well, until it doesn’t. 

A diagram of a stress-free performance

Description automatically generated

The graph above shows the diminishing returns to scale in terms of the correlation between performance and anxiety levels. There is a healthy level of stress that is required for a base level of motivation as shown in the ‘calm’ and ‘stress’ regions, where performance improves as healthy stress levels rise. Organisations should aim for a healthy level of stress to optimise employee well-being and performance. Once this threshold is surpassed, there is a significant decline in not only performance and productivity but also in employee health and well-being. 

Managing high-functioning anxiety

Recognising the strengths inherent in those with high-functioning anxiety is crucial. Their empathy, diligence, and conscientiousness are invaluable assets. Effective management of it involves a combination of professional support, lifestyle adjustments, and personal growth:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps individuals reframe negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms, encouraging a shift from self-criticism to self-compassion.  Develop cognitive flexibility to update beliefs driving unrelenting high standards, building more adaptive and flexible beliefs 
  • Engaging in valued activities outside of the workplace (connecting with friends, socialising, community activities, physical activities etc), to foster and build a sense of wider sense of self worth
  • Building support networks: Cultivating a support system provides a safety net of understanding and acceptance, crucial for navigating the challenges of high-functioning anxiety.
  • Aligning with core values: Identifying and living in accordance with one’s core values, rather than societal expectations, promotes a more authentic and fulfilling life.

High-functioning anxiety in the workplace is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. By fostering environments that prioritise mental health and well-being, companies can mitigate the adverse effects of high-performance cultures.  For individuals, recognising the signs of high-functioning anxiety and seeking appropriate support can pave the way for a more balanced and fulfilling professional life. Together, we can transform the narrative around workplace anxiety, moving towards a culture that values both achievement and well-being in equal measure.

Shamira Graham

Implementing A Successful Routine Maintenance Program: A Guide For Business Leaders 

As a business owner, you must understand the importance of keeping your company’s assets in good condition, which is always a good idea. This ensures business operations run smoothly, reduces downtime, and maximizes profitability.  

Think of your business as a well-oiled machine, where each component plays an essential role in keeping everything running. Your equipment, buildings, and infrastructure need ongoing care to perform their best. Neglecting routine maintenance tasks can result in expensive repairs, safety risks, and other problems that can cut into your profits.  

This guide aims to simplify the setup of a successful maintenance plan. Read on for practical strategies that’ll help you implement a successful routine maintenance program that fits your business goals! 

Assess Your Current Maintenance Needs 

Before diving into a routine maintenance program, take a step back and assess the existing setup. Create a comprehensive inventory of all existing equipment, systems, and facilities. Note their age, condition, and specific routine maintenance requirements outlined by the manufacturers.  

Remember to factor in the unique needs of your business environment. For instance, a manufacturing plant in a coastal area may require more regular maintenance because of the corrosive properties of saltwater. On the contrary, a retail store in an urban area may need responsive maintenance procedures due to high foot traffic and wear and tear.  

Having a clear picture of the exact nature of your maintenance needs will help you develop a tailored routine maintenance plan that caters to the explicit requirements of your assets. This will add to the length of the equipment’s life and decrease the chances of sudden breakdowns and expensive repairs, saving time and money in the long run.  

Set Clear Maintenance Objectives 

Once you have your maintenance checklist, the next step is to establish clear objectives for your routine maintenance plan. Align these objectives with your overall organizational goals to ensure that your efforts contribute to your company’s success.  

For example, if your primary business goal is to minimize equipment failure and optimize production, then your maintenance objectives should focus on ensuring that your machines are running smoothly. On the contrary, if the most crucial factor is cost-efficiency, then most of your routine maintenance objectives are going to revolve around reducing the repair cost and how your assets will stay longer in operation without breaking down. 

Clear and well-defined objectives provide direction for your routine maintenance activities and serve as a benchmark for measuring their effectiveness over time. As reliability in maintenance is a critical factor in achieving these objectives, it’s crucial to monitor and adjust your strategies depending on performance outcomes.  

Consider revisiting and refining these objectives as your business evolves to ensure they continuously align with your ever-changing needs and priorities. This helps maintain operational excellence and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in routine maintenance activities.  

Develop A Maintenance Schedule 

Maintenance planning and scheduling are essential to the success of your routine maintenance strategy. Your maintenance schedule should outline the necessary routine tasks, including routine inspections, cleaning, lubrication, repairs, and replacements for every asset you manage. To set the frequency of each routine task, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines and industry best practices.  

Ensure you stick to these recommended maintenance intervals to prevent premature equipment failure, maintain safety equipment standards, and avoid costly downtimes. To streamline this process, consider using maintenance management software. These tools automate maintenance schedules, generate work orders and send reminders to ensure you don’t overlook any tasks.  

With well-structured maintenance schedules, you create a centralized platform that tracks all maintenance activities. It provides a complete overview of your assets’ health. This data-driven approach allows you to address potential issues before they escalate, minimizing disruptions and ensuring your equipment is in good operating condition.  

Implement An Effective Preventive Maintenance Strategy

Embracing preventive maintenance is also crucial for achieving operational excellence. This strategy involves taking deliberate steps to prevent equipment failure before it occurs. Regular inspections and servicing form the foundation of preventative maintenance, allowing your team to identify and rectify minor issues before they escalate.

However, preventive maintenance goes beyond regular check-ups. You’ll also need advanced techniques, such as:

  • Vibration analysis to detect imbalances in rotating machinery
  • Thermal imaging to identify potential hotspots or electrical faults
  • Oil analysis to reveal signs of wear or contamination in lubricated systems

Embracing these predictive maintenance methods enables you to anticipate potential equipment failures and schedule maintenance. It enhances operational efficiency, demonstrates commitment to quality, and fosters trust with customers and stakeholders.

Train Your Maintenance Team  

While a comprehensive maintenance schedule and robust tracking system are critical components of effective routine maintenance tasks, the secret to success lies in your team’s knowledge and expertise. Regular personnel training and educational opportunities are investments in the longevity and efficiency of your business operations. 

For instance, your machine operators may overlook subtle warning signs or fail to follow specific safety procedures during routine machine servicing if they don’t have proper training. However, by providing thorough training on preventative maintenance guidelines and safety protocols, you empower your machine operators to approach each task with confidence and precision. 

Also, ensure there’s open and candid communication and feedback from your team members. They may have priceless insights into the performance of your maintenance program as they work with the equipment daily. Their feedback will help you to maximize your maintenance program. 


Implementing a successful routine maintenance program is crucial for the long-term health and longevity of your business assets. The strategies discussed above will help you establish a proactive approach to facility maintenance, minimizing the risk of costly breakdowns, maximizing operational efficiency, and cultivating a culture of preventive care within your organization. 

Remember, a well-executed maintenance program is an ongoing journey of continuous improvement. Assess and refine your processes on a regular basis and encourage an open-sharing culture to ensure your program remains aligned with your evolving business needs. 


76% of Business Leaders Want to Strengthen Their Own Mental, Physical and Ethical Fitness

Leaders are increasingly embracing a balanced leadership style, yet 67% say the current economic climate has made prioritising these three pillars of leadership more difficult

New data released today by Babble, a leading Cloud Solution Provider and title partner of Babble Ride Across Britain, shows the new demands business leaders are facing across the UK with a new three-pillar leadership framework, Fit to Lead. Fit to Lead is a balanced approach to leadership, rooted in three fundamental pillars of fitness; physical, mental, and ethical fitness. 

All three pillars are crucial for leaders and their teams to succeed and are inspired by the Babble Ride Across Britain – a collaborative 9-day, 980-mile cycling journey, formerly known as the Deloitte Ride Across Britain. More than just a cycling challenge, it represents the camaraderie, shared purpose, and collective effort inherent in true leadership.

Analysing data from 500 UK business leaders, from director level and above, the findings from Babble’s ‘Fit to Lead’ survey reveal that 69% of leaders are confronted with employee demand to change their leadership habits. This signifies a shift away from the mentality that work must seep into every aspect of their lives, replaced by one recognising the need for a more balanced approach. 

This is especially important in the face of a rapidly evolving landscape, including accelerating technology innovation, particularly around the opportunities and ethical challenges of AI, as well as the macroeconomic outlook and changing employee demands.

Encouragingly, 73% of respondents say they’ve adopted this shift, and 67% of respondents agree that embracing this approach to leadership is beneficial for themselves and their business.

Matt Parker, CEO at Babble, says “This insight is why we’re introducing Fit to Lead, a new framework for leadership. We need to move beyond traditional thinking around what it means to be an effective leader and consider the critical role of the three pillars identified in this study for business leadership.

“Physical fitness, for example, isn’t just about sheer brawn or endurance. It encompasses the skills gained through participation in any physical activity – from walking to running a marathon. When I’m cycling for 9 days for RAB, for example, the only thing I can do is think. It’s valuable time allowing me to consider how to make Babble a better business for my team and the wider communities we serve.”

Economic impact 

Despite wanting to dedicate more time to the three pillars of fitness, 67% of leaders say they have deprioritised personal well-being due to the current economic climate. Rising inflation alongside the cost-of-living crisis means businesses are stretched and trying to stay afloat. This uncertainty only looks to continue this year, with recent ONS data showing that just 14% of British businesses reported higher turnover compared to the previous year at the start of 2024.

To navigate this turbulent period, business leaders should explore the Fit to Lead framework to ensure the effective operation of their organisations. By prioritising three-pillar fitness, business leaders will not only be armed with the resilience to weather the storm themselves but also create a culture of resilience that runs throughout the business.

Generational influence 

While there has been a shift away from a ‘rise and grind’ culture overall, there is a generational difference. Respondents aged 55 and above experience this shift more acutely, with 86% of respondents agreeing there has been a greater focus on work-life balance. Conversely, only 55% of the youngest demographic (aged 18-24) share the same sentiment. 

Older leaders recorded the highest levels of mental fitness (63%), while the youngest cohort scored significantly lower (37%). 

Matt Parker continues,Younger generations are hungry to get ahead, so it’s no wonder they are more focused on career progression, often at the cost of balance across the three pillars.

“The brain is like any muscle; push it in the right way and it will get stronger but push it too far and it will shut down. All leaders should remember that we are not superhuman, life is meant to be fun and at the top, we are meant to set an example. I have found that if you publicly commit to the three pillars then you will be far more convincing as a ‘three-pillar’ role model, particularly to younger leaders who may need reminding through example that success is often about playing a long game.”

Businesses need to acknowledge and cater to the diverse needs and perspectives of their multigenerational workforce. While older generations might appreciate flexible work options for different reasons than their younger counterparts, the overall desire for a healthier work-life balance resonates across all ages and businesses sometimes need to protect young leaders from themselves.

Matt Parker finishes, “Business leadership has changed more in four years than in the last forty, accelerated by home working and the opportunities and challenges of new technologies like AI and cloud. There is also a greater expectation that you use your power to be a force for good. 

“While findings in this study show a clear move towards a more balanced three-pillar approach to leadership, business leaders cannot regress in the current climate. By embracing the opportunity to feel better, stronger and happier, they will be armed with the skills to weather any potential storm.

“It’s a virtuous circle. The fitter I become, across all three pillars, the better leader I will be – not just for the business and our teams, but for everyone we can impact in the widest sense, the charities we support, the communities we serve and the planet itself.”

Company Culture. Binders on desk in the office.

What Exactly Is A Purposeful Company Culture And How To Develop It?

Meeting objectives of profitability and customer satisfaction rank high on a leader’s list of priorities, and yet, especially after the pandemic, a meaningful, purposeful life is increasingly a top concern to employees.  The title of a post-pandemic article by McKinsey & Company says it all: “Help Your Employees Find Purpose or Watch Them Leave.” Simply put, a life of purpose is a life of meaning.  Yet when applied to business, the integration of purpose into a company is often misunderstood.  Without a company culture that cultivates meaningfulness, employees will move on. If as leaders we learn how to work towards a purposeful culture, employee engagement and company vision both can both move forward.

Purpose V Purposeful

The word, “purpose,” has its roots in the Greek telos, which means to take aim. The word “purposeful,” has different connotations, however, and points toward a sense of significance and meaning.  If we aim narrowly and strive to meet the next objective, leaving out a sense of purposefulness, this approach can be debilitating to a company.  When the wider perspective of meaning is left out, the company does not optimise employee engagement, and risks repeated turnover or a low level of participation together with employee dissatisfaction and under-performance.

Let’s look at the data coupling company performance with employee sense of purpose.

  1. Forbes cites a PwC study, which finds that, “millennials who have a strong connection to the purpose of their organization are 5.3 times more likely to stay. But the vast majority of employees remain disengaged from work, and only 33% draw real meaning from their employer’s purpose.”
  2. Proaction International writes, “Purpose-driven companies have become more important. The numbers speak for themselves: 4 times more consumers are likely to buy from purpose-driven companies. Lack of trust, social values, and sustainability are the topics that are the most important to the public today. In addition to stimulating demand, purpose-driven businesses can foster employee engagement, improve customer loyalty and enhance innovation and creativity.”
  3. Springer also emphasizes the importance of purpose in the company culture by citing the study “Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance:” “Gartenberg, Prat and Serafeim demonstrate, with a large data sample from more than 900 companies and half a million employees, that companies can achieve better results if they incorporate practices that foster people’s sense of purpose. This result seems to be valid for very different types of industries and for a wide variety of companies—from manufacturing companies to service organisations—and for various business strategies within the cost-differentiation spectrum.”

We can see that when the employer’s purpose aligns with the employee’s sense of purposefulness, then productivity increases.

Where To Begin

Now we can take proper aim.  It’s important to understand not only what we are aiming for, but also who is doing the aiming, what that calls us to do, and who that calls us to be.  These questions allow us to inquire into ourselves, our employees and our world to find the interrelated expression of a company’s purpose.  There’s a benefit if everybody in the company reflects first on their deepest intention, their sense of meaningfulness, about why they are on this planet.  Notice the non-hierarchical nature of this inquiry. These reflections could lead to training in different aspects of awareness, such as cultivating autonomy in business, to identify and let go of unacknowledged biases, as well as re-animating suppressed leadership qualities. Training in dynamic inquiry could be helpful, in which an open-ended question is posed, and if seemingly unrelated answers occur, these answers are also inquired into—all creating a thread to follow in developing a person’s understanding of their place in their life, in the company, and their commitment to an integrated life. Those who lead the company might ask similar questions about the deepest intention of the company.   Why has it been created now?  What response to the world’s situation does it bring forward?  The integrity of the company’s culture can gain momentum in this way.

Deepening Employee Engagement

A purposeful culture depends upon employee engagement. If, as part of the hiring intake, HR addressed a potential employee’s deepest intention, it would be easier to see if there’s a fit for the company. The investigation of purpose across the board, not as aim but as intention, clarifies the congruency between the prospective employee and the company.

Once it is clear in the hiring process that there is a fit, the potential employee could see the company’s own commitment to the employee, and the purposeful structures in the company that take a person’s deepest calling into account and make it real.  Some ways of looking at those structures include asking the following questions:

  • Does the company offer to support the employee’s on-going investigation of their deepest intention through coaching, directed seminars, or other means?
  • Does the company provide performance reviews that actually re-evaluate what performance is, asking questions such as, How well did you do with your stated intention? and, How do you build mastery, take action, and mobilise possibilities?
  • Do the executives develop an authentic presence to inspire and engage the employees in a meaningful way?  Many companies announce this as their intention, and yet any pretense of encouraging an employee’s development without follow-through, will actually create disengagement on the part of the employee, due to a lack of confidence and trust in the company’s real commitment.


When the deepest intentions of both employee and company are developed together, the company prospers in unexpected ways.  The employee has a deeper commitment to the company and therefore remains loyal.  The Great Resignation, subsequent to the pandemic, suggests that yes, flexibility at work is important, and yet that is not enough.  As we have seen, employees are also seeking a greater sense of meaningfulness.  When the structures within a company, for example, include a percentage of time where the employee can simply explore, the employee values that freedom and autonomy, further increasing their engagement.  That exploration can become beneficial in terms of the company’s innovation and eventual profit.


I often refer to the Irish poet David Whyte, who says this in his book called The Preservation of Soul in Corporate America: “All of your ability to hold the conversations you were made for relies entirely on your ability to hold radical attention to your intention. And without that radical attention, nothing much will happen at the frontier of your being.” I like to suggest rephrasing that ending to read, “And without that radical attention, nothing much will happen at the frontier of business.” Now, place your radical attention toward developing a purposeful company culture.

Daniel Goodenough

Co-Founder, The HuPerson Project

Dedicated to science, art and spirit, Daniel inspires individuals, teams and enterprises to live their unique vision in the way the world most needs it. Co-founder of The Way of the Heart with Kimberly Herkert, Daniel designs processes for people to live more fulfilled, purposeful, and intentional lives. He recently published The Caravan of Remembering, a powerful self-directed inquiry for discovering our deepest calling. Together with Jill Taylor and Shelly Cooper, in 2023, Daniel co-founded the HuPerson Project to help leaders develop a deep awareness and presence, opening new structures of thinking so that corporate and entrepreneurial enterprises are able to embody their vision and become a remedy for the needs of the world today.

Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: The Advantages of a Degree in Organizational Leadership

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In a rapidly evolving business landscape, leadership is not just about directing teams but inspiring and empowering individuals to achieve their full potential. A degree in Organizational Leadership is more than an academic credential; it’s a transformative journey that equips future leaders with the skills, insights, and philosophies needed to navigate and influence dynamic organizational environments. This field of study is designed for those who aim to lead, not just manage, by fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and resilience. Let’s explore how pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership can unlock your leadership potential and set you on a path to making a significant impact in your organization and beyond.

At its core, a degree in Organizational Leadership focuses on cultivating a wide range of leadership skills essential for today’s complex business world. From strategic thinking and decision-making to emotional intelligence and ethical leadership, this program offers a comprehensive toolkit for aspiring leaders. Students learn to approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, adapt to change with agility, and inspire teams toward a common goal. This foundational skill set is crucial for anyone looking to lead effectively in any organizational setting.

Getting a degree in organizational leadership opens the door to numerous career paths across multiple industries. This degree equips graduates with the versatile skills needed to excel in roles such as management consultancy, human resources, nonprofit leadership, and more. The broad applicability of organizational leadership skills ensures that degree holders are highly sought after by employers looking for leaders who can navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape and drive meaningful change.

One of the key advantages of a degree in Organizational Leadership is the emphasis on mastering communication and collaboration. Effective leadership is rooted in the ability to articulate vision, motivate teams, and foster an environment of open dialogue and mutual respect. Through case studies, group projects, and interactive learning, students refine their communication strategies to become more persuasive and influential leaders. This enhanced ability to connect and collaborate lays the groundwork for building strong teams and cultivating a positive organizational culture.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the ability to drive innovation and manage change is a valuable asset. A degree in Organizational Leadership prepares students to be proactive agents of change, equipped with creative problem-solving skills and a forward-thinking mindset. Graduates learn to embrace innovation as a constant and use it as a lever for organizational growth and competitiveness. This prepares them to lead transformations, implement new technologies, and adapt strategies to meet evolving market demands.

Globalization has made it imperative for leaders to operate with a global perspective, understanding and appreciating diverse cultural contexts and international business practices. A degree in Organizational Leadership exposes students to global leadership challenges and strategies, preparing them to lead diverse teams and conduct business across borders. This global outlook is essential for fostering inclusivity and leveraging the rich tapestry of ideas and perspectives that diversity brings to an organization.

Ethical leadership stands at the heart of organizational integrity and trust. A degree in Organizational Leadership deeply ingrains the principles of ethical decision-making and accountability. Students learn to navigate complex moral dilemmas and foster an ethical workplace culture that respects and promotes fairness, transparency, and social responsibility. This commitment to ethical leadership is essential for building lasting relationships with stakeholders and guiding organizations with a moral compass.

True leadership is not about wielding power but empowering others. This degree emphasizes the importance of developing leadership skills across all levels of an organization. Graduates are prepared to mentor, coach, and inspire team members to take on leadership roles themselves, creating a multiplier effect that enhances organizational capacity for innovation and resilience. By empowering others, leaders cultivate a culture of shared leadership that drives collective success.

Understanding the intricacies of organizational dynamics and politics is crucial for effective leadership. A degree in Organizational Leadership equips students with the skills to navigate these complexities with grace and strategy. Learners gain insights into power structures, stakeholder management, and conflict resolution, enabling them to build consensus and foster an environment of cooperation and mutual respect, even in challenging circumstances.

Pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership is a commitment to lifelong learning. The field is dynamic, with new theories, practices, and challenges continually emerging. Graduates learn the value of staying curious, open-minded, and adaptable, traits that fuel continuous growth. This mindset not only benefits their professional development but also encourages a culture of learning and development within their organizations.

Lastly, a degree in Organizational Leadership helps individuals clarify their purpose and articulate a compelling vision for the future. It provides the tools to translate this vision into actionable strategies that inspire teams and drive organizational success. Leaders with a clear sense of purpose and a strategic vision are better equipped to motivate their teams, navigate change, and achieve sustainable results.

A degree in Organizational Leadership offers a holistic approach to understanding and practicing effective leadership in a variety of contexts. It prepares individuals to face the complexities of the modern organizational landscape with confidence, creativity, and compassion. Beyond the acquisition of practical leadership skills, it cultivates a mindset oriented towards ethical decision-making, continuous learning, and empowering others. For those aspiring to make a meaningful impact, unlock their leadership potential, and lead with purpose and vision, pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership represents a pivotal step forward in their career and personal development journey.

CFO Chief Financial Officer written on a wooden cube in front of a laptop

MinIO Hires Mark Khavkin As Its Chief Financial Officer

Khavkin brings 15+ years of experience in the SaaS industry to lead company’s financial strategy as object storage becomes the dominant storage in the world of AI 

MinIO, the leader in high-performance object storage for AI, announced the hiring of Mark Khavkin as its Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Khavkin brings more than 15 years of experience, most recently serving as the CFO of Pantheon Systems, where he helped lead the company through transformative growth. In his role as CFO at MinIO, Khavkin will be focused on creating the operational and financial foundation for MinIO’s growth and innovation goals.

“Object storage is foundational for AI infrastructure in the public and private clouds and MinIO is widely considered the standard on-prem or in the colocation for these workloads,” said Mark Khavkin, CFO, MinIO. “With product market fit firmly established, it is about scaling the company financially and operationally to meet the requirements of our enterprise customer base. I look forward to leading the company’s financial strategy as we grow and take advantage of the market opportunities presented by the revolution in large scale AI data infrastructure.”

During his time with Pantheon Systems, Khavkin helped lead the company’s growth from $10M to more than $100M in ARR, with an associated increase in valuation to over $1B. His work on corporate strategy included identifying target market segments and associated Go-To-Market investment allocation as well as overhauling the platform’s pricing and packaging to introduce differentiated monetization levers. Additionally, Khavkin led two rounds of fundraising and spearheaded key acquisitions, such as that of StagingPilot, which became a key pillar in Pantheon’s roadmap for category creation.

“Mark brings deep financial and operational understanding as well as a proven track record of  helping lead companies through transformative growth periods,” said Garima Kapoor, Co-founder & CO-CEO, MinIO. “His breadth of knowledge and experience developing and implementing growth strategies for technology companies will be critical as MinIO enters its next phase of growth. Mark’s track record of building strategic relationships, with both customers, partners and investors will ensure MinIO capitalizes on our leadership position.”

Founded in 2014, MinIO revolutionized the storage industry in 2016 by creating the first multi-cloud object store. MinIO’s S3 API-compatible software runs everywhere, from the public cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM), private cloud (VMWare, SUSE Rancher, OpenShift, Ezmeral), bare metal and the edge. Truly software-defined and cloud-native MinIO can run on any hardware and alongside any other cloud-native application. With the industry leading performance and proven exascale, MinIO is in use by many of the leading AI solutions from vector databases to products such as Kubeflow.

To learn more about MinIO’s work in the AI space, visit

Professional women only, portrait and diversity in office teamwork

Forbes Women Are Closing The Gap: More Forbes Women Are Reaching Directorship Level Than Forbes Men

  • 36% more Forbes women have reached directorship level than their male counterparts, and 6% more are founders and CEOs of their own companies.
  • Twice as many Forbes women are board members as Forbes men.
  • Forbes women are making a greater contribution to the UK’s employment pool – 31% of Forbes women employ between 10 to 50 people, compared to just 18% of Forbes men.

Joining the ranks of Forbes’ acclaimed 30 Under 30 list is no mean feat. In fact, the media group receives over 20,000 nominations for the award every year. Now new research by comparison website University Compare has revealed some of the biggest career and educational trends of UK winners.

Researchers used data extraction techniques to scrape the LinkedIn profiles of almost 500 UK winners, before anonymising and analysing the data to identify key insights for aspiring young professionals.

The research has found that British women are closing the gap on their male counterparts, moving the needle on important professional and academic trends, including the number of Forbes women in leadership roles.

More women in the UK’s Forbes 30 Under 30 are directors than men

University Compare’s research shows that more female winners of the Forbes 30 under 30 are reaching directorship level than their male counterparts. Today, 36% more Forbes women are directors and 6% more are founders and CEOs.

The research also found that Forbes women are twice as likely to be board members than Forbes men. Forbes women often employ larger workforces, too, with 31% of Forbes women employing between 10 to 50 people in comparison to just 18% of Forbes men.

Most of the UK’s Forbes 30 Under 30 studied business at university

Forbes men and women studied the same top five degrees at university. The most common were business (13.9%), engineering (13.7%) and computer science (13.4%), followed by finance (11.9%) and management (9.3%). Among the least common degrees were dance, equine studies and aviation.

The research also found that while similar proportions of Forbes men and women complete a Master’s degree, Forbes women spend longer in further education, with 23% more completing a doctorate.

The top 10 universities attended by the UK’s Forbes 30 Under 30 are:

Most of the UK’s Forbes 30 Under 30 work in computer software

The most popular industry for Forbes winners (both male and female) is computer software (12.2%). For men, the next most common industry is financial services (7.2%), and for women it’s marketing and advertising (7.5%). The least common industries are venture capital (0.8%), health and fitness (0.8%) and education (0.6%). Interestingly, only 59% of those on the Forbes UK list studied a subject at university that directly informed their subsequent careers.

Forbes women have more LinkedIn followers on average

In terms of recognition from fellow working professionals, Forbes winners have roughly 5,600 LinkedIn connections on average, 10 times more than most users on the platform. Forbes women also build more connections with their peers, garnering over 1,600 more followers on average than Forbes men.

Owen O’Neill, founder of University Compare, said:

“With more women taking leadership roles within traditionally male-dominated spaces, we feel this is not only testement to the individuals’ hard work but also the increased accessibility within the workplace and further education for women.

At Uni Compare, we believe higher education offers aspiring young professionals a platform to grow in confidence and develop the tenacious spirit needed for a successful career.”

Businessman and businesswoman shaking hands above desk

DAI Magister Appoints Steve Bachmann as Head of US and Co-Head of Europe

Splitting his time between the US and European markets, Bachmann is responsible for driving the company’s continued growth in both regions

DAI Magister, a boutique investment bank, has announced the appointment of Steve Bachmann as Head of US and Co-Head of Europe. Bachmann brings over 30 years of experience in software-driven M&A advisory services to the role, leading more than 100 M&A or investment transactions in the process.

Prior to joining DAI Magister, Bachmann was a Managing Director at Atlas Technology Group, where he worked for almost a decade, providing M&A and capital-raising services to software companies. 

Bachmann also launched and managed Broadview’s London office, which he grew to a third of the company’s total revenue. Subsequently, he returned to the US and founded Broadview Capital Partners, a $250m late-stage venture fund, where he was a General Partner. 

Bachmann said: “I’m thrilled to have joined a company that is intent on driving innovation across a range of pivotal sectors, from climate tech to deep tech to fintech. By enabling access to capital for start-ups and growth stage companies through both M&A and capital-raising advisory services, I hope to support DAI Magister’s mission to expand the reach and impact of organisations that are accelerating the speed of global technological growth.

“The US and Europe are mature markets, but there’s still significant volumes of untapped potential in each region. I’m confident that we can expand DAI Magister’s presence in both areas by building relationships between founders, investors and future strategic acquirors, ensuring that pioneering tech solutions receive the attention they deserve in the process.

“The knowledge I have accrued over three decades in the M&A advisory space will equip me with the skills needed to facilitate DAI Magister’s continued growth. With the volume of M&A deals rebounding in the first quarter of the year, this is the perfect time to begin this role and start exploring the possibility of strategic exits for new and existing clients.”

Victor Basta, CEO of DAI Magister, expressed his excitement about Steve joining the team, stating: “I know Steve well from our time working together at Broadview, and I’m delighted to be bringing on board a seasoned professional with a wealth of industry understanding. Steve will be a vital part of our efforts to grow our footprint in the US and Europe, while simultaneously supporting our clients’ efforts to navigate the financial elements of growth, expansion and strategic investments.”

Steve Bachmann
Business team meeting

Ten Reasons Why Integrity Will Be Vital To A Businesses Success In 2024

Integrity goes far beyond having strong moral principles. We make better decisions when we stand by our values, are honest about our objectives and act with transparency. Having integrity means conquering challenges whilst understanding and taking into consideration the impact our decisions have on others and acting beyond our own personal gains.

Thom Dennis, CEO at Serenity In Leadership, offers us ten reasons why, after a tumultuous last five years, integrity is all the more vital for success in 2024.

Integrity Equals Responsibility. Being responsible, even when it’s difficult and being able to question the impact of our decisions, having high standards and possessing critical problem-solving thinking are traits of an attuned and accountable leader. AI is a good example. Good leaders of the future will stay on top of AI advancements while keeping a firm grip on what needs to be done to still value what it means to be human.

Integrity Leads To Honesty. Trust is built on honesty, and both play a large role in having integrity. The Workforce Institute found 63% of employees and business leaders believe trust must be earned, so companies that consistently operate with honesty and transparency will be highly valued.  Trust has been an issue in 2023.  COP28 is a prime example where a conflict of interest was raised as a concern with news that hosts The United Arab Emirates planned to use meetings about the summit to pitch oil and gas deals to foreign governments.

Integrity Means Choosing What Is Right, Even If It Isn’t Easy. Making a decision may mean doing what is right, even if it doesn’t come with gratitude or recognition. It could also be making a tough decision that may upset others but is still what needs to happen. Integrity goes hand in hand with resilience and strength of character, but in the case of bad news always comes with a compassionate delivery.

Integrity Enables Us To Stand Up & Be Counted. Integrity reduces instances of people turning a blind eye or sitting on the fence. Being a passive bystander, for instance is not OK. This means injustices can be accounted for and resolved and a culture of support and openness is fostered. Respecting other’s values, time, and identity is a foundation of integrity and having this integrated into workplace culture can generate support and collaboration and put an end to conflict and unpleasant behaviour. The younger generations are showing themselves to be largely better at standing up and being counted. The rest of us need to learn from them.

Integrity Fosters Accountability. Many of us are noticing bad habits creeping in such as not accepting responsibility for mistakes or letting things fall through the cracks which can create distrust and discontent. The Global Integrity Report found that 42% of respondents reported unethical behaviour being tolerated when coming from a senior employee or high performer. Taking accountability for actions and decisions reduces conflict and builds trust.

Integrity Prioritises Equality & Equity. Giving everyone the space to express themselves respectfully, asking for collaboration of diverse ideas and points of view, and being equal and fair improves company outcomes, workplace satisfaction and the success of individuals.  When we walk in someone else’s shoes we can begin to understand the impact of our decisions. Many a CEO could do with trying the role and pay of a shopfloor worker.

Integrity Is Dependability. Being dependable and having a reputation for being so, means return business and loyal staff.  Ensuring commitments are consistently honoured to a high standard, being someone you can count on and being trusted to do what is expected of you will go a long way in 2024.

Integrity Shows You Are In Touch With Your Core Values (& Living Them). Integrity is aligned with a deep connection to core values, living by a moral code and remaining ethical and purposeful. Shortcuts and unethical practices can offer short-term gains, but they lead to long-term negative consequences and loss of trust.

Integrity Increases Respect. Upholding a fundamental commitment to treating others with respect ensures different opinions are heard, encourages fairness, creates a better work culture and means that you too are more likely to be treated with respect.

Integrity Develops Authenticity. Authenticity separates bad leaders from great ones.  Being true to who you are and what you stand for means congruence when looking in the mirror, speaking your truth to others and taking action, all the while being self-aware.

Thom Dennis
angry asian business man bully business woman

A Third of UK Employees Have Experienced a ‘Toxic Manager’

  • Seven in ten HR decision-makers identify ‘bad managers’ as a pervasive organisational issue
  • HR leaders believe leadership training is key to eliminating toxic workplace cultures

A third of employees (33%) in the UK have experienced a ‘toxic manager’ at work in the past five years, and over four in ten (41%) have left a job due to their dissatisfaction with management*.

The worrying findings are from Corndel’s Workplace Training Report 2024, based on research conducted with 250 HR decision makers at large organisations and 1,000 UK employees*. Toxic manager traits including micromanagement, inflexibility, intimidation, gaslighting colleagues and a deflecting accountability.  

This is having a significant impact on employees’ experiences at work. Nearly half of the employees (47%) state that mental health support and empathy from their workplace are crucial for their job satisfaction, and 46% feel that a positive workplace culture boosts their job performance, increasing to 55% among younger employees aged 18-34. 

Meanwhile, nearly seven in ten (69%) HR leaders admit that ‘bad managers’ are a prevalent issue within their organisations and only 54% of HR professionals believe their organisation’s leaders possess the necessary skills to cultivate effective high performing teams. But in contrast, 81% of HR decision makers are confident that their managers uphold the organisation’s values. 

James Kelly, co-founder and CEO of Corndel, said: “In an era where company culture is actively promoted and workplace mental health is marketed as an employee benefit, ensuring that employees’ lived experiences meets their expectations for management culture is key. The evolving expectations of employees are moving beyond free breakfasts and ping-pong tables to influencing organisational structures built on empathy and inclusion, with mental health and wellbeing support baked into the culture”. 

“HR decision-makers must prioritise finding solutions for toxic workplaces, recognising that empathy, emotional intelligence and mental health support are critical factors in enhancing employee retention, performance, and job satisfaction.”

‘Accidental’ managers lack key skills

This significant number of toxic and ineffective managers could be in part due to the number of ‘accidental’ managers being promoted into more senior roles when there’s been a lack of qualified candidates over the past few years, particularly as a result of the UK’s skills shortage. Recent research by the Chartered Institute of Managers** found 82% of workers who enter management positions have not had any formal management and leadership training, and half of people who don’t have an effective manager plan to leave their organisation in the next 12 months. 

Cultivating leadership and management skills to grow high-performing teams

HR leaders nearly unanimously agree (99% of those surveyed) that leadership training is an effective approach to combating a toxic workplace culture – and more than half (54%) are convinced that workplace training can completely eliminate toxicity. 

Over six in ten (62%) organisations will increase their training budgets in 2024, up from 48% in 2023. Furthermore, 90% of HR decision-makers recognise that mental health significantly impacts business performance, highlighting that we’ll likely see a shift towards improved mental health and wellbeing policies being woven into workplace culture in the near future.

James Kelly added: “Our report emphasises that urgent action is required to prevent the domino effect of toxic managers on employee wellbeing, engagement, and retention. By prioritising leadership development that focuses on ‘human’ management skills, emotional intelligence and mental health support, HR teams can combat toxic management cultures and build motivated, psychologically secure teams.”

James Kelly